Just bought a Fairphone 5 and installed /e/os myself through their adb script (they only had normal android ones in stock). So far, it works flawlessly and even managed to install my bank app. I haven’t tried wallet as don’t tend to use it. Everything else works and not missing the Samsung s22 ultra I moved from.
I’m thinking of doing the same with my current Android FP5. Does it wipe everything or are you able to keep some apps during the process?
How snappy is the phone?
Pretty snappy. There’s no bloat at all and you’re in full control on what’s on there so it’s been quite nice. I haven’t noticed anything being slow. The default launcher is very like an iPhone but I would’ve always switched to lawnchair and put as many foss apps as I can for all the usual stuff so the experience day to day is very similar to my old phone at less than half the cost new.
Using a refurbished samsung s9+ with/e/OS. Works just fine. Banking apps works for the most part (not some digital-copy of your ID features though). Their support is basically nonexistent, but there has not been any large issues either.
Pretty fucking ironic that they’re a de-googled OS but require a google based browser to view their device compatibility list.
It’s working well for me with Firefox, both, on Linux and on Android.
Even this one? https://e.foundation/installer/
No, but it has obvious technical reasons, as webUSB isn’t implemented (or enabled?) in Firefox (yet?).
I think it is but it doesn’t just work unlike chrome
Not just Gecko browsers; just tried it in Falkon (with the QTWebKit engine) and it also tells me to use Edge, Opera or Chromium.
Yes, noted as well
Wat? Share the page
Oh, that’s the installer, not the device compatibility list. I did a search on “web USB” and the first thing that popped up is something from Mozilla about it being experimental, so I guess Firefox doesn’t support it. But the other pages look fine to me on LibreWolf.
When I click the button to go to the compatibility list it goes straight to the installer on both firefox desktop and mobile. Site is broken either way.
I’m thinking about buying Fairphone.
My only concern with the Fairphone is the chipset. I’ve seen reports where the phone can be a bit sluggish, that’s not ideal
I’ve been using it for the last 6 months with the fairphone ROM and I have not complaint about sluggishness
I have a Fairphone 5 on CalyxOS. I find it smooth and reactive. Were the reports talking about phones on fairphone ROM ? I’ve used it a few second before switching … It is bloated with so much google apps, it’s insane.
I have to use a Gcam port to have a good camera experience. I would have liked a better battery life (it lasts a whole day minimum).
Overall, I’m happy with it.
I guess they were using the Fairphone ROM indeed. Thank you for your comment
Fairphone 5 is in my view perfomant and a very capable modern smartphone. You’re right though with the earlier models, they were sluggish - I remember trying out a Fairphone 1 long time ago and it was a pain
Thanks, I’m looking for video reviews where they show the phone running, surprisingly I couldn’t find any
Oh, that could be a no no. Any suggestions for alternatives? Maybe Nothing phone?
Nothing phone is pretty much not european. It is a technically British company with a swedish/chinese citizen CEO with a history of lying about his company (he started OnePlus in china as a BBK subsidy and tried to lie for years and say they were just a tiny startup) that does almost all of their electronics, mechanical, and software design in China (not just the manufacturing like all other phone companies, but the design and software also, and they don’t even do the design, they contract it out to an ODM), with american investors.
The only thing European about it is their sales and marketing teams in London.
That may change in the future as they have some software dev job postings in London (most of their engineering postings are still in China) but we buy products for what they are now, not what they are not even promised to become sometime in the future.
Thank you for sharing this.
Mine is fine. It was an upgrade after having the other one for 5 years and the unremoveable battery starting to act up. Everything feels so much speedier.
I have an FP5 with /e/OS and it works fine.
Yes, and it supports all apps I’ve been using before on Android. It has its own app store, but you can additionally install F-Droid, of course.
I especially like the privacy features. You can, with one tap, disable app tracking and conceal your real location and/ or your real IP address. “Schandmauer” at the bottom of the following screenshot means “wall of shame” and it shows you the apps that are trying to leak your data.
I installed it on a Nothing phone which is European, too, just like /e/os.
How did installing work, was it much of a hassle?
I use e/os on a Pixel 5.
Runs as advertised. No issues.
Do you use any banking apps? Do they also run flawlessly?
Recently, there was a post on that topic. There is a list with banking apps that do work.
https://feddit.nl/post/30884040Thank’s a lot! Looks like I have no excuses for not switching anymore ;)
Yes, I have several and they all work.
Phone payments seem to be the main topic, which I never missed over the 10 or so years on LOS. Not /e/, but similar limitations apply.
Am I wrong for considering credit cards the phone for nfc payment an “all eggs in one basket” approach?
If the phone dies and you don’t have your cards on you then you won’t be making any payments until you gain access to your physical cards. That could be a problem in many situations nowdays.
I used it previously, with a Fairphone 3. Worked pretty well. I run CalyxOS now though.
Poco f1 works great !
Fairphone 5 with eOS, straight from FairPhone. Works like a charm. What I will say though is: do not buy FairPhone’s phone case. It’s rubbish.
do not buy FairPhone’s phone case. It’s rubbish.
Seconded. The TPE framing at the sides is too flat to provide sufficient protection of the screen (and as far as I remember, the camera too). I use a similar (but better) version from eBay that does its job.
Seems really promising! Thank you for sharing
My spouse phone was bought on their store and it worked really well for years. The hardware wasn’t that impressive but it was fine with her (don’t ask me the exact model, I could not tell) which btw, show how much work e-os put in making their version of android run smoothly: it was really not a powerful phone and there never was any major issue for basic usage ;)
She was able to use the few apps she needed from their store, including banking apps and some 2FA/security one for work project.
Maybe my next phone will be from them too but they will have to wait for my p^resent iPhone to stop working as I refuse to buy a new one unless I have no choice anymore ;)
Maybe my next phone will be from them too but they will have to wait for my p^resent iPhone to stop working as I refuse to buy a new one unless I have no choice anymore ;)
Thank you for caring about the environment and human life involved in production of the phone.
OnePlus 8T, works great
Anything degoogle is better than Google.
But GrapheneOS and CalyxOS when you can lock the bootloeader are best IMHO
Does e-os support mobile payments yet?
A Big-tech free phone os sounds really appealing, but for me, a lack of mobile payment would be a reason to seriously consider sticking with ios when my current phone needs replacement.
Not with GPay. That won’t work with custom roms. Found that out after installing GrapheneOS on my Pixel.
For me, it wasn’t too much of a change to switch back to paying with an EC card again. Better than continuing to give all my payment infos to US companies like Google and Visa.
I suppose switching back to a card wouldn’t be a total disaster, but it wouldn’t improve privacy unfortunately. My banks debit cards use vpay anyway (and as far as I know all of them use either vpay or maestro) so US companies will know about all our payments either way…