Yeah threat actor gets your IP but if you are not on VPN that’s kinda bad but it doesn’t link that IP to any specific account?
This is the same risk when using any internet with no condom on
Yeah threat actor gets your IP but if you are not on VPN that’s kinda bad but it doesn’t link that IP to any specific account?
This is the same risk when using any internet with no condom on
Right then I am not following how it would be possible to de anon anyone.
At best the threat actors gets a list of IPs that opened its message with out being able to link to specific message send.
What am I missing here?
Does each message get a unique URL for the photos?
They are bahving like it and Democrats are letting them do it too… As if they are on the same team
That’s the only way any of trumps foreign policy makes sense.
Our allies are being un allied before our eyes… At the end of the term, us will have no allies left
Do you view yourself a being part of the capital owning class?
Did you support last 30 years of “pro-business” economic policy bestowed upon us?
I see where you are going…
in context of fucking idiot “entrepreneurs” i was talking about restaurant owners relying on these mega corpos and shilling pro corpo agenda.
It sounds like you are coming from softtware development angle?
I am confused… if you are asking these questions, you are already kinda half way there
I spend 2k on phones from google so I can deGoogle properly… i understand how clown that sounds, but the best you can do is work with the tools given. if enough people do it, that’s how you get change.
Mega corpo abusing small business but these “entrepreneurs” still bootlick the regime
Fuckong idiots think they are part of the club haha
If people down vote but are unable to provide a coherent rebuttal, that means that they are rage down voting.
Down votes mean I am reaching the correct audience for that specific content
these features to malfunction up to a third of the time
That’s “ai” for you lol
Hmm so this entire trick of setting up companies just to be bought by mega corps appears to be not a viable strategy if anti trust law is enforced?
Edit: apparently this company was set up before sell to mega corp craze got kicked off. I don’t think changes the thesis but this case study doesn’t support it with the strength I suggested
Hmm as if last 30 years of corpo behavior has been essentially to maintain mega corp dominance via captured regulators and legislators
We got the capitalism alright but where is the free market at, daddy?
Correct but I don’t think that’s what is happening yet