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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • For a real explanation of this watch this illuminating video.

    TL;DW According to the perons, it’s based on counting sheep and from base 20. 1 score = 20 sheep. 2 score = 40 sheep.
    To get to 50, you have 2.5 score, but they don’t say “two and a half”. They are quite Germanic and say “halfway to 3” (Germans do this too). So, 50 = half three score.

    The video also points out that English has (as the hodgepodge of a language it is) yet another remnant of Germanic languages: 13-19 are not “te(e)n-three to te(e)n-nine”, but “three-te(e)n to nine-te(e)n”, just like in German “drei-zehn bis neun-zehn”.

    It’s quite easy to mock other languages, but there’s always a reason for why things are the way they are. Think of Chesterton’s fence.