Democratic divisions intensified as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Nancy Pelosi sharply criticized Chuck Schumer for supporting a Republican-led funding bill to avoid a government shutdown.
AOC called Schumer’s decision a “betrayal,” urging Senate Democrats to reject the legislation backed by Trump and Elon Musk. Pelosi called the bill a “devastating assault” on working families.
Schumer defended his stance, arguing a shutdown would empower Trump and Musk further.
The controversy sparked suggestions among Democrats that AOC might challenge Schumer in a primary.
Leave the Democratic party AOC, and enough people will follow that we can maybe actually make a difference.
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It’s actually an incredibly based idea, but the public is too stupid to recognize it.
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You’re right about the public, but that also means there is no hope and no one should care or try.
If the people will only vote neoliberal or fascist, theres nothing to be done other than store food and water and hope you aren’t noticed until complete societal collapse. There is no possible path to a decent society when both choices are fine with the poor dying to enrich their bribers.
I think after 24 years of holding my nose and voting Neoliberal, telling myself the lesser evil will somehow lead to salvation, and fighting for Sanders on 2 campaigns, I’m done participating. Harris was my last gasp of appealing to this cesspool’s nonexistent sense of decency. I’m not going to endorse or signify the Neoliberals new meet in the middle low next cycle, where they call for “more humane” concentration camps as compromise. My hands are dirty enough voting for the good cop in this corpo fascist good cop/bad cop routine all this time.
George Carlin called it, the people suck so things really can’t get better. We’re a garbage people that largely despise the idea of an equitable society. Better collapse than perpetuating that. Not like people who only vote for which tribe to hurt deserve more.
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This is TDD we’re talking about. One of the louder more prominent blue maga screechers. Who still hasn’t realized or just doesn’t care that they were made a fool of and used. That has massive dreams and whose failures are even larger than those dreams. Blasting themselves in the foot all the way down.
TDD is third party ride or die. They know that that is where it’s at. They’re only 7% away from breaking 10% in national elections that’s so close! Only another 40 to 50% for them to win an election. That’s practically nothing! Why would anyone want to reclaim the Democratic party. Use it’s brand recognition and reputation with the average person build strength and coalition. It’s got cooties! /S
That’s the level of logic you’ll get in any responses from them.
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As someone that never trusted either party, this is the one way to get my vote.
The Dems are 80% dusty skeletons desperate to simply stay in office. They don’t do a single thing in the interest of the people, otherwise this whole thing wouldn’t be an issue. F them and F the GOP twice as hard. They are very much also a part of how we all ended up here.
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Oh no, I’m asking apathetic voters to be so apathetic that brands no longer matter either.
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I would go into the game theory and political theory of this, but I fear you wouldn’t understand that either.
It’s OK, if it happens, things would be so beyond fucked to get us to that point that it’s less of a “third party” and more of a “survivors” scenario.
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Lol, OK kiddo ; )
Or… hear me out… It was a colossally terrible idea to not do this after the ratfucking of 2016. Or the ratfucking 0f 2020. Or the ratfucking of 2024. It was a colossally terrible idea to leave the clearly incapable managers of the Democratic party in place, and in lieu of replacing them, which doesn’t appear possible, to identify and adopt strategies that go around them.
We’ve done orders of magnitude more damage to ourselves by continuing to support Democrats when Democrats do not support us, in anything other than meaningless performative bullshit.
Getting off heroine is hard. Alcoholism detox can kill you. But not dealing with either of those things isn’t a solution to the problem.
The Democrats are not your freinds. They aren’t even your allies. They are a tool preventing you from having access to power and to prevent us collectively from making the kinds of changes that can kill fascist movements in the crib by not allowing the legitimate conditions that permit grievance politics to persist.
By occupying the space where real change, where an authentic attempt to better the lives of people would be, Democrats are a tool to prevent the addressing of the fundamental problems we have in society. Leaving these issues unaddressed give fascists legitimate grievances to co-opt into these kinds of racist and fascist movements.
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Okay so just keep doing the things that haven’t worked in the past?
I just want to be clear what your argument is. You want the strategy to be the same thing that people have been trying to do for 25 years?
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Republicans voted out their corporate overlords for fascists and racists.
Democrats failed to do so. Now the Democrats can’t win an election to save their life.
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