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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 9th, 2024

  • Nah, Karmas coming for them.

    Not because of some just world fallacy, they were just fucking stupid to build their supposed “promised land” on top of people who were already there, and surrounded by more people that it pissed off.

    Iran’s got a nuclear something for their ass sooner or later. Which will be WWIII, but Israel is Scrappy Doo, they’re not as big as they think they are, and they just keep pushing, they will be pushed back, because a shittier neighbor by actions there is none.

  • They always need someone to blame for their ever descending new level of hell they’ve made of society.

    Fascists sell off society a plank at a time while telling the angry, ignorant crowd which powerless scapegoat is to blame this week.

    Hell, my fellow Americans have been blaming powerless homeless people, the neighbors we’ve failed as a society, for hurting their property values with their inconsiderate continued existence while destitute since before Donnie was fake firing people on brain rotting reality TV, solely because the for profit media told them to do so as they counted those gullible idiot’s money.

    Sabotaging education has made us a nation of suckers.

  • If I were Panama, I’d be setting charges to collapse the canal at key points requiring years and billions to repair should such an invasion occur, no different than Taiwan and their semiconductor infrastructure killswitch that would royally fuck over the world should China try to take Taiwan by force, making it China’s fault.

    Fuck em, and by em I mean us because we’re the baddies. If the people that live, work, and die down there aren’t the beneficiaries of the revenue of the canal they operate, no one trying to steal it certainly should.

    Live cooperatively or let the wannabe dictators of the world conquer a heap of ashes. Ill bet the global capitalist leech markets would be mourning the loss of such an efficient trade route.

  • It’s not the most important reason by a long shot, but it’s yet another reason why extreme wealth hoarding, aka billionaires and centimillionaires, should have been taxed out of existence and legislated from existing going forward:

    Even they aren’t happy, even sitting in the complete victory of their coup. They could have a dozen space station mansions each and they still wouldn’t be satiated or satisfied. They can’t be satisfied. That is their defining character deficit. Literally everybody loses so long as the avarice diseased capitalists remain in charge, even them. The intensity of their cringeworthy attempts at social media flexes betrays their intent and blasts us all with their screaming insecurities day in and day out.

    They’re mentally ill with an obsession/compulsion related disorder that they’ve manipulated civilization into enabling at literally every possible expense, including mass human murder and seriously risking human extinction for short term private profit.

    They should be in mental health facilities receiving inpatient treatment for their extremely destructive antisocial behaviors for both their and everyone else’s safety and wellbeing, too bad at least in the US they defunded mental healthcare into utter ruin (and education, and common infrastructure, etc) to cut their own taxes through their captured government.

    The inmates are truly running the asylum our society.