It’s not actual cost cutting. Stop calling it that.
It’s not actual cost cutting. Stop calling it that.
Paying a deposit is common when making a reservation at Michelin restaurants in Europe.
This isn’t rocket science or even new. Only the BS part of it is new.
What you missed here is that the underappreciated aspect is energy density plus portability. That’s it.
If you’ve never been in a taxi in Africa where some guy has 20 gallons of gas in plastic bags and old cooking oil bottles to drive out to a moto driver 100 miles from any sort of infrastructure at all, then I can see how you might not understand viscerally understand this.
There is nothing else to replace fossil fuels at that level of both portability and energy density. We need more work, more innovation, and more development not for people on the grid, but to get the people OFF the grid away from fossil fuels.
My understanding was nearly everything that wasn’t digitized internally by around 2013ish was with the Archives and in their remit to digitize as of was already with them anyway. Everything after that is all electronic so it can fill out the Development Clearinghouse (DEC). It’s a whole lofty academic library aspiration, except that the DEC is a black hole because the search function sucks. Sucked. It’s gone now.
Also, let’s not divulge too much personal info in public by asking the right questions, OK? It’ll be worth it.
Is USAID large enough that, being co-located with another large agency in 99% of its overseas locations, and working closely with that agency which manages numerous annexes with scifs around DC, that it should warrant its OWN classified system? Can you find any documents supporting that?
Is there already a well-established practice and policies of formal reporting from USAID using that other agency’s system for unclassified documents?
Hint: https://fam.state.gov/fam/05fah02/05fah020440.html
What is the name of the classified system that other large agency, large enough to be a department, uses? Hint: it’s a basic portmanteau in the document above.
Is that the same name as is found in this public document as showing that a small agency with only a few hundred or maaaaybe a thousand staff with S or higher clearances, producing very few classified documents per year per this same document, might be using? https://oig.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/2018-06/9-000-16-001-p_0.pdf
Anyone who knows about this stuff in detail has zero feelings about shredding documents because they had to do that anyway to clean out their desks over the last month.
That was all digitized during the Obama administration. NAR has it all.
FOIA your face off, see how much you end up with. It’ll be plenty.
Lol, not without Rubio authorizing it and a lot of tedious legwork in Virginia data centers. Friendo, you clearly don’t understand these systems and for some reason think you do.
Also, why would he even purge anything of he could? His people wanted to see what was in the paper records 5 weeks ago and got pissed they were denied access. They came, they saw, they didn’t get anything they wanted, and they left. Meanwhile, Peter Marocco is still there with read access all along. All the financial records are still there, still public.
This is the year 2025, and you all are worried about paper records?
Stop to think…where does a paper classified record come from? If “printed from a classified computer” didn’t cross your mind, I suggest you check your underinformed outrage. Anything old enough to be historical should already be at the National Archives.
USAID is moving out of all its offices, so getting rid of paper copies of records falls squarely into Federal records retention policies.
Meanwhile, I can take a 20kg LPG tank on a donkey most anywhere on earth and let it sit for months before I use it.
I’m not evangelizing fossil fuels here, but I am pushing back because they are an underappreciated energy resource we tale for granted. They make hugely concentrated amounts of immediately available energy potable.
I highly recommend the book When Trucks Stop Running by Alice Friedmann. You’ll never know how profoundly modern society hand trapped itself until you see if by the numbers.
When you find another way to transport that much energy, that doesn’t always need to be directly connected to infrastructure, to us with such a high ROI, you’ll be famous and rich because you’ll have solved the world’s energy crisis.
Y’all, hundreds of people die every year from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning, and tens of thousands are hospitalized annually. Weird Al Yankovic lost his elderly parents to CO poisoning in April 2004. It’s winter time and Santa Fe is at 7,000 ft (2130 m) of elevation. Please don’t rush to blame and conspiracy.
A recession is defined as 2 consecutive quarters of negative GDP. So, by definition, you are repeatedly wrong, and we all know it.