Wisconsin resident Bradley Bartell voted for Trump’s promise to crack down on “criminal illegal immigrants,” but now his Peruvian wife Camila Muñoz has been detained by ICE.
Muñoz, from Peru, overstayed her visa but had applied for legal residency. On their way home from a honeymoon, immigration agents detained her at a Puerto Rico airport.
Despite no criminal record, she remains in a Louisiana detention center. Her case reflects ICE’s broadened enforcement that now includes documented immigrants.
Bartell, once supportive of stricter immigration policies, now questions the impact on families like his own.
“but… it shouldn’t have affected ME, you know?”
Right because my situation is special. I’m special and these laws don’t apply to me. @shithead I’ve voted for you 3 times, please help rectify this mistake.
Another dumbass who still hasn’t figured it out.
Well, that was stupid wasn’t it
Me when I read stories like this
FAFO vote for a clown don’t complain it’s turning into a crazy circus
The money the couple saved for a down payment on a home has evaporated into attorneys fees and savings to pay a bond for her release, if she’s given that chance.
There’s a silver lining to this. Think about all the high quality white collar jobs (lawyers) that this is supporting. Way to stimulate the economy, Trumpers! /s
Hold the fuck up, she was already OVERSTAYING her Visa and these idiots thought it was a good idea to TRAVEL? Nah they both got what they fucking deserved. It doesn’t matter that you’re awaiting your residency application, you have already passed your exit date, why the fuck would you be traveling for your honeymoon
Edit: I’m literally standing in the airport awaiting my fiance’s return from Mexico right now, this shit makes all the people who actually read their paperwork and follow the rules, look bad when they get lumped in with these idiots.
Apparently she got stuck in the States when all the borders were closed during the pandemic, which seems pretty reasonable grounds for overstaying.
But - she didn’t leave when the borders re-opened. She had fallen in love and at some point she filed paperwork to normalize her status - though they’re pretty coy about when they filled the papers, so I suspect that was done after the borders re-opened and she should have left.
I’m also going to point out what I haven’t seen in any of the comments so far which is that, with ICE being pressured to increase the number of deportations, they’re opting to go for low-hanging fruit. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean raiding places that they’ve known for decades are hiring illegal immigrants, arresting and prosecuting and imprisoning the owners and managers.
It does mean that they’re hanging out at at least some airports, and it sounds like they’re running passenger lists ahead of time (because they knew exactly who to approach). I mean, why to go the trouble of driving out to some farm or factory in the middle of nowhere, trying to chase down people who know the area better than you ever will, when you can sit at a comfy air-conditioned desk and only bother to get up when the computer lets you know that your “target” is trying to check in for their flight?
Exactly. Did my dude think he could Karen his way through Customs? Papers have to be in order with Biden or Trump, now it’s worse though because they detain your ass.
You don’t go through customs to go to Puerto Rico, since it’s a US territory.
Sounds about white.
Nobody deserves to be punished for arbitrary political boundaries.
That being said, it’s satisfying to see the people supporting those boundaries get punished by them.
You shouldn’t have to have it happen to you before you realize the impact it has on others, but that’s what we’re up against.
This is the problem endemic with the GOP voter mindset as a whole. They lack any shred of compassion and only care about themselves. The point of a society is shared burden. If you don’t want to love your neighbor, go live in the woods
Empathy takes a little thought and many people just can’t think.
I once saw it described on Lemmy that Conservatives have sympathy but no empathy.
I saw a Ted talk that talked about inability to entertain the hypothetical. Some people are simply unable to entertain the hypothetical "what if my wife is deported’, they can only recognize it when it becomes "my wife is being deported ".
I’ve heard that some people have difficulty with hypotheticals in general. not just on political issues, like it’s a surprisingly common cognitive issue.
Link, please?
And they confuse the two and think they’re being empathetic. I’m not even sure they have sympathy anymore.
I honestly believe these idiots that voted for Trump somehow thought that they would be immune to his policies. He doesn’t give a fuck about you.
I know it’s been getting a lot of mileage on Lemmy lately, but:
Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.
- Wilholt’s Law
He figured he was in the first group, and since conservatives tend to think women are property, he figured her being with him put her in that group too. Whoops.
This is a really good read on these types of situations. He’s a white guy and he thought that was enough. that means the rules don’t apply to him. I think as we are trying to figure these people out we sometimes overcomplicate it and a lot of the times the reasons are really quite simple. Just like them.
All conservatives want this law to be reality, and they all want to be in the first group. When you look at it in that light, all their supposedly contradictory actions make sense.
It seems like most of the time the realization they come to is less ‘oh wow maybe this is bad actually’ and more ‘hey, you put me in the wrong group!’
For sure. It’s the classic:
They thought by bending the knee to Trump, they would be exempt from his bullshit. You’re 100% right here. He doesn’t give a fuck about Americans, their families or the down troddened.
Trump only cares about Trump.
And anyone with power or money that will kiss his butt.
American exceptionalism
She definitely was not Muskinaire, that’s one of the ways you can bend your illegally-legally.
I pity Madam but I have little sympathy for Sir.
I have little sympathy for Madame. She travelled
out of the countryto Puerto Rico for her honeymoon, knowing she overstayed on her visa. Given what had happened in the weeks leading up to them leaving the US last week, she really should have not gotten on that plane.She went to Puerto Rico. Which is a US territory.
That may be true, but they have been rounding up legal immigrants at the various ports of entry for weeks. I didn’t see that the trip was to PR, but either way, they’ve rounded up several legal immigrants just here in San Ysidro. She knew she was no longer legally here, fucked around and found out.
The reason I sympathize with Madam is the same reason I sympathize with most migrants: they’re not doing it to hurt the country they migrate to, they’re trying to have a shot at a better life. I totally get what you’re saying but that doesn’t make her a bad person.
Sir however is a dumbass: he did the very thing the guy he voted for said he would crack down on and now he’s bitching and moaning… Well ya know, faces, leopards and all that.
She should have left him when he supported a rapist criminal for President of the country she wishes to join. Face-eating voter by proxy.
Muñoz, from Peru, overstayed her visa … Bartell, once supportive of stricter immigration policies, …
“Supportive of stricter immigration policies,” doesn’t turn in his wife for violating existing immigration policies.
“No, no, she’s on of the good ones, not one of criminals, and she’s with me.”
“I got mine”, he thought.
An american woman wouldn’t put up with his shit. My brother is unfortunately a trumper, and he got a foreign wife because she is the only woman that will put up with his shit that a normal woman would have walked out of years ago.
She slaves over him like a tradwife, raises his kids that isn’t hers from the previous woman that walked away from his shit. But he’s got joint custody.
I understand this is (hopefully) not how you meant it, but opposing “foreign wife” to “normal woman” is a rather unfortunate choice of words.
Yeah this isn’t great. While we can’t say for sure, “woman in a safer position” may well describe this situation as it’s an unfortunate pattern.
the way the media talks about immigration and trumps policies are very specific and very corrosive. most of us here having this conversation understand what’s really at stake because we think about and analyze these things, but american media intentionally lets people who don’t know think they know what they don’t.
let me explain.
when donald trump talks about criminal aliens in our country, he means anyone born on foreign soil, born to foreign parents, or with citizenship somewhere else who has committed a crime. a crime to him is any breach of law. and he uses the terms “illegals” and “aliens” to distance people from their own humanity. but the media will cover it as he’s only interested in criminals. you know, like drug kingpins, traffickers, gun runners. our mass media misleads the populace. the reason they do this is doing so does numbers for them. when you have a for profit media apparatus, you will make more money if there is always an emergency. this way they can trick people like this guy into making their own emergency, and then they can package his tragedy and sell it to us.
everything is going according to plan
You can’t promise to round up and deport 10 million “criminal, illegal immigrants” without implying that all of the ~10 million undocumented residents are criminal. Unless you’ve been listening to Ann Coulter and believe there are 50 million undocumented - 1 in every 6 people in the country.
i know that. you know that. but not enough people do. they don’t understand scale or large numbers. they think if we increase minimum wage by $7, the price of a big mac will go up $7.
our education system is designed to make people susceptible to exploitation.
everything is going according to plan
These are the same morons that think Bezos isn’t rich enough to give all his workers raises; that ‘he would lose all his money!’
Math is not their strong suit.
Girl I hope you realize you are about to marry a racist that doesn’t see you as people. Run.
He didn’t vote for Krasnov Trump, He voted for his wife to sit in an ICE detention center.
He should also be arrested for knowingly harbouring a foreigner who overstayed. As her sponsor, it was his responsibility to ensure she did not overstay.
Does marriage to a citizen no longer make you a citizen? Did I miss that part?
I don’t think it ever did. It does qualify you for legal residency status, resident alien or “green card” as most people refer to it. I’m pretty sure that status can be voided if you did anything illegal along the way. For citizen status you still have to go through the process.
It may make becoming a citizen easier, but no it doesn’t automatically make you one. Not in the US at least.
ICE is under extreme pressure from the White House to ramp up enforcement. Top ICE officials, including the newly installed acting director, were re-assigned within weeks of Trump taking office, allegedly over frustrations that detentions and deportations weren’t rising fast enough.
I think this is really the main cause. Trump envisioned that once he took office, he would flush the millions of illegals who voted for Biden in 2020 like rats. (I picked that analogy on purpose, he thinks they’re sub-human).
The problem is that those people simply don’t exist. They never tried to vote (because that is a sure ticket to getting kicked out permanently, after spending time in jail). But most immigrants that are easy to find are the legal kind.
So, when ICE simply couldn’t find the vermin in the numbers Trump wanted, he fired them all and put in new people willing to go farther. So now, any non-citizen is suspect (as well as citizens who don’t “look like” citizens). This is going to continue to escalate. This will turn into a major diplomatic problem. Other countries will need to start denying automatic visas to US citizens. Trump won’t pay attention until his Corporate masters yell at him for making it so they can’t just jet off to Europe whenever they want.
0 sympathy for anyone that voted for the Cheeto.