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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Trump has had close business and personal ties with Russia since the 1980s. He very clearly admires dictators in general but Putin in particular, and has praised him on numerous occasions. In Trump’s infamous public call for election interference, it was “Russia, if you’re listening.” Not China, not some other country, Russia.

    If you can’t see the obvious signs of causation – not just correlation – you’re the one who needs some coke-bottle specs!

    I’m not saying Putin won’t benefit, just pointing out how limiting it is to view Trump through a singular lens.

    It’s the explanation – and the only one, to boot – that fits all the pieces. It may be a “singular lens,” bit it is singularly useful!

  • There have been some successful non-violent revolutions in history

    I’m pretty sure that if you dig into the details of a lot of those, you’ll find that the purported success of the non-violent movement strongly correlated with the existence of a not-so-non-violent movement as the alternative.

    For example, your article lists the Salt Satyagraha and the Quit India Movement as being non-violent revolutions responsible for the decolonization of lndia. But if you look at what actually ended up happening, such as the partition of India and establishment of Pakistan, it’s pretty clear that the not-non-violent All-India Muslim League had a pretty big influence in achieving that result.

    Folks like Gandhi and MLK may tend to end up getting the credit for these sorts of societal changes, mainly because The Powers That Be have a vested interest in “the absence of tension” and thus engage in a bit of revisionist history, but it’s the presence of folks like AMIL and Malcolm X sitting in the background threateningly waving a stick that enabled them to be effective.

    (That said, the collapse and liberalization of the Warsaw Pact are probably legitimate examples where the presence of a violent radical flank really wasn’t much of a factor… but I’m pretty sure that’s because Gorbachev’s heart wasn’t really in stopping them to begin with.)