As a Seattlite, I’d be right there with ya if you’d have me.
As a Seattlite, I’d be right there with ya if you’d have me.
It’s safe here. Trust me.
I would think no, but considering that I posted the article, I’d leave it for other mods to act on if necessary.
A bit of a grey area to me as it’s just wondering, not actually suggesting.
Yeah. Hopefully Canada can completely detach from the cancer that my home country has become. And same goes for everywhere else.
For the greater good of the rest of the planet- everyone needs to cut ties with this festering disease of a “nation.” And I sincerely hope it happens.
Yeah. I think many of us do.
Seriously…. Why the fuck is this clown allowed to cut ANYTHING?
The moment he cuts a single service someone depends on, he should be sued into submission. How is this happening?
So what’s your plan?
Okay… that made me laugh. Thanks. Needed that tonight.