It’s because the voluntary/self audit shit is largely meaningless bullshit. And it’s gonna get a whole lot worse soon.
It’s because the voluntary/self audit shit is largely meaningless bullshit. And it’s gonna get a whole lot worse soon.
I’m really happy that Syria got out from under Assad’s thumb and look to be moving in a positive direction. Honestly, it seems like you guys could be one of the few bright spots in a pretty bleak world these days.
Oh wow great, fantastic, I get to go from my rat race software engineering job to getting drafted to fight in fucking Panama?
Swear to god I’m gonna see if I can request asylum overseas or some shit
I am in genuine shock and disbelief that I’m grateful for a thing that Rubio did, but here we are. I hope orangeboi gets distracted by something else, but realistically I’m unfortunately fairly certain that he’ll find a way to ruin everything, since that’s kind of his schtick.
I don’t like this ride. It’s weird. Make it stop. I wanna get off :(
Edit: on the upside, it’ll probably come with a zero/zero ejection seat as a standard feature, so that’s neat.
Yeah I got a sneaking suspicion that LMC’s gonna see a ton of options getting dropped and orders cancelled. Our government is not to be trusted. We’ll use that shit as leverage at some point.
But tbh I have no fuckin clue what sort of insane shit orangeboi is gonna pull. All bets are off guys. I got nothing. No fucking idea. Roll o’ the dice. A coin toss, if I’m honest. What a time to be alive.
Maybe try to build some nukes real quick, or get the UK or France to lend you some?
Lmfao wat. I am 100% sure that orangeboi has used Ireland as a tax haven extensively over the years.
This isn’t about what it says on the tin.
Honestly, I’ve been absolutely blown the fuck away at how many people - both here in the states and around the world, both laypersons and people experienced and knowledgeable in geopolitics and history - just straight up ignored the precedent of his first term.
I know a core tenant of geopolitical analysis is “watch what they do, not what they say”… but I think this should be amended to “what what they do and what they try to do, not what they say” in the context of building a model to understand the insanity of the Trump admin. Because he tried to do more than a few things in his first term that he’s now retrying and actually executing on, since he got rid of all the people who stopped him first time around.
You CAN build a model to pretty accurately understand and predict what he’s gonna do. It’s just that it seems most people don’t appear to be including the proper inputs, so their models are garbage.
Outstanding. Hopefully more countries will follow this pattern with the new Syrian government, and help them rejoin the world community. It also offers Syria a clear (and better) alternative to continuing to put up with Russia and the base they’re trying to hold on to.
Don’t worry - I’m sure our new Dear Leader will find a way to make things even more terrible, and ultimately give Putin whatever he wants.
Though, now that Rubio is starting to come back from his disassociation episode, maybe he’ll do something that’s not apocalyptically stupid (holy fucking christ am I actually pulling for Rubio a little bit…? What the fuck is this timeline). News in recent days from him makes me suspicious that maybe he’s just learning things that sane people already knew, but he didn’t trust because he didn’t do it and he didn’t see it on Fox News et al.
I mean… I think orangeboi’s idea to take Greenland of your hands is an altogether idiotic idea from our end, but if that’s the way you feel, he’ll be more than happy to grab it from you, and possession is 9/10 of the law - probably a damn sight more in the context of geopolitics, particularly given his and Putin’s worldview.
If crossing the Netherlands and Denmark up isn’t emblematically American, I don’t know what is 🫠
Whilst smiling very slightly manically, and quietly whispering with the eyes ”I’m going to fucking murder you, and I’m going to take my time about it”
This is a Type 2 “Sorry” scenario