Waiting for trump to send off musk to death camp for being a terrorist.
Waiting for trump to send off musk to death camp for being a terrorist.
I don’t think randomly shooting people without any evidence or trial is a good idea. Unless they’re the likes of trump/putin and everyone around him and put into office by him. Cause that is tyranny and protected under 2nd amendment.
There would be no escalation if all the airspace-ignoring planes were shot down and the ships were seized and confiscated. Historically there hasn’t been whenever the bluff has been called.
The way to deal with the bully at school is not to let them keep bullying while you have the councillors and teachers listen to the obviously fake heartfelt apology and how the bully is from a bad background. The solution is to have the kids organize and hit back. Russia has never, ever understood or respected anything but violence and strenght. West doesn\t understand that russia is a stupid, stupid country and does not have the intelligence for diplomacy.
Nah that leads to expensive cleanup.
arrest the crew, detain the ship, sell it. Use proceeds to pay for increased defence expenditure and/or donate to Ukraine.
The literal only reason russia does these provocations is because it is the only thing russia can get away with without being turned into a glass mine. We have been at a shadow war with russia for a while and they just gained 50 oblasts. It is very much us vs them situation and us who live in ex soviet countries know it very well.
More users = more support for programs and hardware on linux, more open source and freedom policies rather than maximising shareholder value. Less and less troubleshooting and figuring out why your shit you really need to work doesn’t work.
It benefits everyone, even the people who are in denial about good ux.
I mean id you think navigating through folders in terminal and using other shitty tools to create a template file is mentally stimulating or difficult task and teaches anything about linux other than that linux is unfinished and has massive oversights, you are not as clever as you think you are.
In case you don’t understand why your post needs to stand on it’s own, vectors in bitmap program are vectors until exported as bitmaps. They are very useful.
Same energy as “so tired of idiots who want right click>new file on gnome, are you too stupid to open the terminal, cd 20 times and use the shittiest text editor ever to create a new file and save it and then open nautilus and navigate to the same directory, or something?”
Comparable to driving from washington to argentina instead of taking a plane (for those who don’t know, there are no roads connecting north to south america). This is literally the attitude why there will never be year of the linux.
Photoshop and gimp are both bad painting software since they are not meant for that. They just do it in a pinch. Used to main ps until I bought clip studio and discovered how damn good it is. Then I went to linux and discovered how damn good krita is.
Idk its up to your morals. I am not fine with big labels getting a bigger cut, big labels getting even bigger cut by sneaking in fake artists with stock songs into most popular playlists, big labels getting an even bigger cut by having ai generated instrumentals make more revenue for them on the most mediocre platform with one of the lowest artist payouts. If that doesn’t bother you then keep using spotify instead of the myriad analogous services that function interchangeably.
They can use the insurance money to get a non tesla. Clearly these confused autistic gestures are not working since the de facto tyrannyical government is not reacting to it at all and not labelling it “terrorism”.
After seeing american tesla owners drive rentals in iceland, my toughts and prayers are with each of the expensive luxury vehicle owners and their families going through this tough time.
Arguably making it a bad to own tesla would cost the company a lot more faster since nobody would want any of them. It is kinda assholish since people bought those terrible piles of garbage since they were told they were green and rich people luxury flex, while they refused to do their research about the vehicle and its innumerable issues.
Honestly dumping the bank owned car you keep in your yard for appearances for cheap would be a good idea since tesla will kill you in an otherwise survivable accident and it will turn off autopilot microseconds before crash in order to blame you.
Ever since i was able to play system shock one for the first time and monhun world stopped bsoding on my fedora, i won’t experience this feature either.
Nobody who gives a damn about artists being paid fairly and not swindled out of their already miniscule pay should use spotify.
on windows:
On my linux:
Upon first bootup after install I fully expected a nightmare but they all ended up working out of the box.
No downloads
None at all.
No restarts of hardware.
No reboots.
They all just work. All the chifi and chinese tablets. Unlike on “user friendly windows”. I haven’t used the psu power button once cause linux is more stable.
in my experience unless the company has blocked off linux, i works better on linux. Games that don’t work on win11 work on linux, eg old games. MHW doesn’t crash or bsod on linux and gets more frames.
Nvidia drivers is just going to rpm fusion, copy pasting some commands and pressing enter. I reccomend reading up what those commands mean and “scary hax0r only linux” becomes “oh that makes so much sense linux”. My only issues were my steam library drive was on wrong file system so I had to reformat it (imagine if you put wrong file system on windows, you wouldn’t expect it to work either) and having to disable secureboot so you don’t have to restart and sign keys. Simracing wheels work fine but only issue is huge hotases like winwing since the creator of the driver doesn’t understand that “lmao just build it” is not sufficient set of instructions for people who want to play games.
Linux has a different use philosophy and workflow, once you udnerstand that you realize it’s not a big deal.
Windows is basically stockholm syndrome. It’s just so shit but people memory hole all the troubleshooting, searching 20 control panels and then still going to regedit, opening terminal to start regedit or dxdiag. I guess nothing says “hardcore gamer os” more than pressing windows key and typing program name only for windows to launch a bloatware browser you are not allowed to uninstall that then goes into an search engine nobody wants to use and gives you a result that is an ad all the while your screen is recorded and all that is sold to whoever wants to buy it.
This is what made me realize maybe I should try my luck with the command line. I haven’t had to touch any advanced stuff to do non advanced stuff in a while. Windows has conditioned me badly. For example when my laptop had no mic during a meeting I instantly assumed it was drivers fucking up again ala windows, so I started finding new drivers. After reverting the change I discovered it was just firefox that had disabled the mic. Smoothest “y no audio” bugfix I’ve ever had compared to “ready for the home user” windows discord, zoom, teams, skype constantly shitting the bed randomly.
I find all the issues eg random audio drivers for my dac crashing, having to manually start my fucking tablet drivers every time I wanted more functionality than a display, having to install any drivers for bt stuff or audio stuff, games running poorly, games crashing, bsods, unsolicited ads. I found they all just dissapeared when I started daily driving linux.
You are VASTLY overestimating why people use pcs: They use it for light gaming and browsing the web. Linux has been ready since forever.
Lemmy is just reddit under different management.