Tbh, that would have been extremely simple to come back from: Fire his ass. The issue is that they didn’t.
(Inb4 someone says they cannot fire him for some legal or contract reason: That is a major red flag in and of itself)
Tbh, that would have been extremely simple to come back from: Fire his ass. The issue is that they didn’t.
(Inb4 someone says they cannot fire him for some legal or contract reason: That is a major red flag in and of itself)
Both iPhone and Android have ways to disable biometrics until the next unlock via password/code.
Iirc, on iPhone, it was pushing the power button 5 (or 7?) times. On Android, long press the power button and select “lock”.
Moscow has 11 million inhabitants. That’s half the Soviet losses in WWII, which were insanely high.
It’s about the total losses of the Axis powers over the spam of the entire war.
What the fuck are you talking about?
That sounds like a reasonable amount of nukes. If the threat of losing one or two major cities isn’t deterrent enough, were in absolute lunatic territory anyways, and no amount of more nukes will deter any further.
The Guild Wars 2 (and 1) wiki is also hosted directly by the devs. It’s even accessible via chat command.
There’s an archive of books belonging to a certain anna, which has not failed me yet.
Yes, but cheaper.