Relevant XKCD :
I recently switched to Kobo as a Kindle alternative, but that also highlighted a problem. Kindle Unlimited includes a TOS for publishers that prevents them from selling their books on any other platform. A significant chunk of the Kindle catalogue is also included in Kindle Unlimited, which means a significant chunk of authors works are locked into the Amazon ecosystem.
It’s been very annoying to discover how many book series I’ve been reading that are simply unavailable elsewhere because they opted to take part in Kindle Unlimited.
This has been my issue as well.
And when you sail the high seas to liberate books. You might get the actually book, without issues. You might get a file named your book, that has 17 pages of that book and then the rest is a manual to fix a car.
There’s an archive of books belonging to a certain anna, which has not failed me yet.
Once again, “if buying isn’t owning, then piracy isn’t stealing.”
Guess we should also pirate all steam games too.
I always look on and GoG first!