Yeah, I think I agree with you tbh
A courtyard of bamboo and late-night snow
a lone lantern a book on the table
if I hadn’t encountered the teaching of no effort
how else could I have gained this life of leisure
Wei Yingwu 韋應物
Yeah, I think I agree with you tbh
This is the thing: https://vat-one-stop-shop.ec.europa.eu/index_en “VAT One-Stop Shop”, or IOSS
No, that’s a different thing. E.g., below €25 or something. This is a EU thing. It’s a bit complicated to explain though
Shops outside of the EU, like AliExpress, can collect VAT under €150, and therefore you won’t have the package go through customs. It’s a deal that the EU has made that allows shops outside of the EU to collect VAT for EU customers. It’s up to the shop to have that agreement though, so not all have it. But most bigger stores do. It’s only above €150 you’ll have to have the package go through, and pay, customs.
Yes, Kenny’s is safe. But the rest usually include VAT for EU countries, so it should pass customs without issues.
Kennys (Irish), Blackwell’s (British), Wordery (British)
Yep this is how I reason too
Haven’t heard about that. That sucks.
I’ve been using KolabNow for these past few years. Swiss-based with a focus on privacy. No issues, really like it. I also have a personal e-mail address with my name, but that one I have with a local domain registrar.
If anything, I’m really glad how Europe has stepped up and started cooperating more as a consequence of US actions these past few months.
Great comment, agree!