The Democrats should negotiate things they want I. Exchange for their votes. If the reps don’t want to play ball then they can pass their own bills. Blaming the Dems now is fucking nonsense and if Americans don’t realize that we deserve to rot.
The Democrats should negotiate things they want I. Exchange for their votes. If the reps don’t want to play ball then they can pass their own bills. Blaming the Dems now is fucking nonsense and if Americans don’t realize that we deserve to rot.
We would vote and then make Canada as shitty as the US is.
Hitler put the military on the border of chekoslovakia, made noises about protecting the German minority in the Sudetenland. British Prime minister negotiated the transfer of the Sudetendland from Chekoslovakia to Germany. All the fortifications the Checks military had built were in the Sudetenland. A few months later the Germans rolled in and took the rest of the country nearly unopposed. Germany signed a deal with Austria taking political control there, then they made a deal splitting Poland with the USSR. The Poles saw what happened to the Checks and resolved to fight it out reminding Britain and France that they have a defence pact but they didn’t know about the deal the Germans had with the Soviets, so Poland got invaded on both sides.
Britain and France declared war but they needed time to get their militaries rolling. Germany brought the army over to the French border, then the Germans invaded the Netherlands and Belgium. Went around the French defences and took Paris. Britain got their people out of France at Dunkirk. Germany bombed Britain but didn’t have the navy to invade so they turned around again and attacked the USSR, and that’s where it started going to shit for them.
Honest endgame here.
And if the coastal states are doing it you might even get a left-right alliance in Texas to support secession.
Trump can be talked down by people that understand reality, but not always. Putin, a much more intelligent leader, thought his invasion of Ukraine would be over in a week and look how that worked out for Russians.
There would be insurgency in the lower 48 as well.
They are terrified. The US got Texas with great replacement in the 1840’s. White people came legally at first and then streamed across the border overwhelming the natives and Mexicans and they brought slaves and when Mexico told them slavery is illegal they declared the Texas revolution and more white Americans came to help fight it (including Davy Crockett) and they won and a few years later the US annexed Mexico
They fear Mexicans doing the same thing back. They won’t, but conservative white people don’t believe that.
Yeah the British and French made some serious mistakes early on.