Because Russia and the US like to invade countries on trumped up claims, and one facing conequences is bad looks for the other one too?
Because Russia and the US like to invade countries on trumped up claims, and one facing conequences is bad looks for the other one too?
Yeah. And the proud boys and KKK just have members who are also members of the republican party. The party of course has no role in it ;)
Well, there was this whole spying on allied politicians thing Snowden uncovered, for which the US started a global manhunt.
The US always looked down on its “Allies” and it was always more of a protection racket than a true alliance.
The Houthis oppose Israels occupation and crimes against Palestine. They target ships in the red sea, which is a key area for global shipping.
They stopped with the ceasefire, but since Israel again imposed a total blockade on Gaza, starving and killing people through thay and also escalating its bombing again, the Houthis threatened to resume their attacks on US and Israel affiliated ships.
So instead of forcing Israel to abide by international law and isolate the Houthis, who have their own bag of war crimes, the US decides to help the Houthis gain legitimacy, by being on of the few regional forces actually opposing Israel.
The US also helped Saudi Arabia commit many war crimes and genocidal acts in Yemen, mostly destroying agriculture and bombing civilian gatherings like weddings. Still the people of Yemen didnt buckle. It is absurd to think the US or its allies could genocide Yemen into submission. They failed in Vietnam, they failed in Iraq, the fail in Palestine.
Also 94% of people say they wont buy a product says nothing as a metric, unless before substantially more said so.
Also if hypothetically Tesla sold their cars to 6% of Germanys adult population, that is like 4-5 million cars.
Musk could have 0 shares in Tesla. The whole marketing of his companies revolved around him. Its even worse than Apple and Steve Jobs. People will think Tesla = Musk until Musk is dead.
The headline falls short. The report is in particular about sexual and gender based violence, including rape of women, girls, men and boys by the Israeli armed forces. The report also concludes systematic attacks on reproductive health care, which amounts to genocidal acts as part of a broader strategy of increasing violation and repression of Palestinian people.
Again, this is specifically about sexual violence by Israel. This is not “just” about mass murder. The title of the report is;
More than a human can bear”: Israel’s systematic use of sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender-based violence since 7 October 2023
Press conference by the expert committee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhr7Djos2eo
Report of the committee: https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/documents/hrbodies/hrcouncil/sessions-regular/session58/a-hrc-58-crp-6.pdf
The AfD in Germany also was a split off of the CDU. Now they are second strongest in the last federal election.