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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024


  • Yeah. Luanti following Minecraft is nothing new. Mineclonia was an early pilot game for the engine.

    But there hasn’t been much effort on copying Minecraft lately. Mineclonia is done, and it’s great.

    We’ve had more mobs, animals, plants, textures, and such than un-modded Minecraft for a long time. (Which is unfair, as Luanti is a mod-first design.) But my point is the core Launti dev team doesn’t have to work on any of that.

    The most noticeable recent Luanti updates have been to make the configuration screens much nicer, and add I think to add native support for more graphics tricks?

    I’m not paying attention to graphics in Luanti. As others have mentioned, that’s not why I play it. I actually had a conversation recently about the best way to downgrade Luanti default graphics to match un-modded Minecraft.

    That said, the Minecraft team taking notice of Luanti would be new, as far as I know.

  • while Linux will boot you into broken system and expect you to know what to do.


    even if the answer is a simple as selecting a different entry from the GRUB.

    Okay. Yeah. It’s often that simple.

    I take your point, but I’ve had my Windows blow itself to hell way more than my Linux has, and putting Linux on relatives machines has been by far the least hassle of the big three, for me.

    But that’s just my anecdotal experience.

  • How is the company fucking me, if I enjoy playing the game and get my money’s worth?

    If it doesn’t bother you, you do you.

    To me, it’s fucking with me when they add software layers that adds no value and just makes my game harder to play, long term.

    Note that I’m not as mad at anti-cheat stuff, since it does add value. It’s usually a shitty half-assed solution, but it has a reason to be there. And most of it works better on Linux anyway.

    It’s the weird other extra stuff that makes feel like they’re just fucking with me. There’s no remaining technical reasons a new game can’t run on my SteamDeck better than on my Windows laptop. And most games do.

  • This is a lot safer on Linux than Windows, this year. A lot of engineering has gone into making updates resilient.

    And Linux hasn’t done the Windows 10 to Windows 11 - black screen for a couple hours, hope you know not to touch it - that we sometimes see.

    Linux now has a stronger default permissions model, so it’s a lot harder for user error to break the machine in serious ways, even if they do reboot during a sensitive update.

  • Question: Would I still struggle to get games working on a desktop using Linux as I have in the past


    1. The Linux side problems are long since fixed. Games developed with modern engines just work on Linux.
    2. The vast majority of older “this is for Windows only and we fucking mean it” games work perfectly on Linux with Proton anyway. Some require 3 minutes with a search engine to pick a preferred version.
    3. nVidia is still going to nVidia.
    4. Weird DRM bullshit is still going to weird DRM bullshit.

    would they work as well as on a Steam Deck, that doesn’t have to account for a variety of hardware differences?

    Hell no. There’s a reason we love the SteamDeck so much, and want to see the Steam Machine return.

    Almost every single person I have seen lately saying gaming on Linux is awesome now, is using a literal device designed for it.

    Yes. It’s fucking amazing. Lol.

    But what about my hardware? Is getting wrappers for nVidia drivers still a fucking PITA with a 50/50 chance of actually working correctly?

    nVidia hasn’t improved, to the best of my “fuck those guys” knowledge. (Meaning I’m not the most informed since I carefully avoid their chips. Lol.)

    But the entire SteamDeck costs less than most graphics chips. It’s not equivalent, but that’s where my “fuck it, life is short” energy currently is.

    I’ve heard nice things about other graphics chip makers, but I’m waiting with my SteamDeck docked for a Steam Machine console, myself.

  • Yeah. I’ve been spoiled by Linux for awhile, but sometime in the last few years, I realized I don’t reach for the terminal on Linux anymore to configure anything (other than crazy bullshit I compiled from source code… I am still me, after all.)

    And Windows is still the usual level of pain, not amazing and not the worst… Well, I guess maybe now it really might be the worst, just because everything modern has gotten better.