Windows is great because if you plug your mouse into one USB port then maybe you move the mouse to another, it completely forgets that mouse ever existed and is like “setting up device!”
Bro, you know what this is.
It sure is great. If I remember correctly, there was a Windows 95 error saying “keyboard not found, press F2 to continue.”
well technically… USB initialization isn’t that simple, when you change which port it’s plugged into, it’s numerated under that new memory space, so from the computers perspective, it’s a different number, it’s a different device.
Is that just obfuscated on other platforms (like MacOS)? I don’t think I’ve ever had a Mac get “confused” by a device by changing its port.
the other OS’s don’t store the configuration in the registry, that’s the main difference
I see.
So Windows just needs to git gud.
Git gut by using a sane POSIX architecture just like any other OS out there.
“There’s a problem with your USB storage device”
*Continues to work just fine, just as if there is no problem*
Its because you didnt eject beforehand and theres orphaned inodes or data blocks
*laughs in ext4