I’m thinking of working on a turn-based battle simulation game - a Pokemon VGC drop-in.
It will go all in on simulation, and will not have a story mode - think Pokemon Showdown.
Furthermore, the simulation tweaks will be significant - it could essentially be a different game depending on the tweaks. But the default will be as close to Pokemon VGC as possible.
In terms of roster, it will likely be small (32 creatures) and with a mathematically sound number of types (still have to do research for this).
My grand goal for rosters is to have people make their own, and choose the creatures they like most into their own sets. With the “official” set (run by me) having the initial 32 and adding customs all the way to 128.
The entire project will be open-source.
I’ve been really contemplating this, because it will take a significant amount of time, and I do not know what the actual room temperature is.
I feel like people who play Pokemon Showdown will stay there, but I feel (with careful consideration and execution) some people may appreciate this project.
If you have anything you’d like to see in this type of game, please leave a comment. If you’d like to donate to help free up more time to work on this DM me.
If you’re wanting to build a game, do it for you and not someone else. It’s going to be a difficult and thankless task, so make sure that you are enjoying the process!
Thanks for the advice.
I think this is something I would enjoy doing even if no one played it. I’m not necessarily looking for thanks, but I also recognize it would be a massive waste of resources - which could be spent on a project people find useful. It’s also a multiplayer game, so without players, it would be truly pointless.
I think I’ll go through with it though; if there’s general curiosity, there’s a chance.
For people like me wondering WTF VGC is: https://www.smogon.com/smog/issue7/vgc
I’ll follow this project with mild curiosity, no specific asks from me. Best wishes! Also, if you have not already, I suggest asking !pokemon@lemm.ee
Good points. I’ll include the link in the post and ask over in the pokemon community.
Ironically, in my (limited) experience, the core pokemon fandom tends not to be interested in VGC.
why? you’re not going to compete with pokemon so are you wanting to practice your coding and balance design? the point of my post is to ask you to think about your personal goals for project like this.
True on all accounts
I would like a “federated” and open battle simulator. I would also like some viable alternative to pokemon for turn-based monster battling (the only one I know of is Temtem, and it’s not doing well). Pokemon could also pull the plug on “Pokemon Showdown” at any moment. Though they are benevolent today, they may not be tomorrow.
I’m not really looking to compete with Pokemon, it just has a game-mode that inspired the project. Kind of like “Warcraft 3” and “League Of Legends” - they are not competitors at all, but LoL wouldn’t exist without Wc3.
as long as you understand why and what you’re after, go crazy.
that being said, wow is not why lol exists. wc3 is.
thanks again. and yeah my mistake on the warcraft (now edited)
tbf it’s just semantics. i’ve almost certainly said the same at some point.