Former vice presidential nominee Tim Walz criticized Trump for economic chaos while taking personal responsibility for the situation during an MSNBC interview.
“We wouldn’t be in this mess if we’d have won the election — and we didn’t,” Walz told Chris Hayes. He called Trump the “worst possible business executive” and praised the Wall Street Journal’s editorial criticizing Trump’s tariff war.
Walz emphasized Democrats must offer something better, not just criticize Trump. Recently, he acknowledged a leadership void in the Democratic Party and admitted spending too much time combatting Trump’s false claims about immigrants.
I disagree Mr. Walz. Had Biden not sat on his hands after being given the power of god by the supreme court - we wouldn’t be in this mess today.
You don’t even need to go to the SCOTUS decision. Would have been enough for Biden to order his DOJ to immediately arrest and imprison Trump, in the same way that Trump is currently arresting and imprisoning American residents. We’ve done far worse to people suspected of espionage for far less.
Props to him for taking ownership of it. It means a lot even if it isn’t fully his fault.
i want walz and aoc in 2028
we don’t blame you tim we love you ❤️
DNC will never let it happen.
I don’t blame Harris or Walz. I don’t even blame Biden, the senile old fool that he so clearly is.
I blame the Americans for fucking up the most outrageously obvious binary choice in history.
Has there ever been an election so obvious? Even during Trump vs Clinton one could almost be forgiven for giving Trump the benefit of the doubt as a “political outsider”, but by 2024 we knew exactly who this fucking guy was… The fact that people today are acting surprised and outraged about all the stuff that’s been happening during Trump’s first 1.5 months is only further proof that Americans are perhaps the dumbest amnesiacs to infest the Earth.
Literally all we had to do was vote against Trump’s particular brand of fascism.
But Americans are the type of people who fail a single question true or false quiz because they forgot to write their name at the top of the page, and we deserve to suffer the consequences of our collective stupidity over and over until it is bred out of us, or until our society falls. The American people allowed this to happen–and not just Trump, but everything bad that has happened over the course of American history.
How dare you!? America is a DEMOCRACY, and that means we can’t be blamed for how we vote. If I vote for Trump, I’m not at fault for what happens. In fact, it’s Harris’s fault. She should have pandered to me more. I can blame her, and only one person can be at fault for something, so I’m guilt free.
You liberals are always trying to guilt trip us leftists for letting fascists take over the government!
Biden, the senile old fool that he so clearly is
That shit made me chuckle because of how true it is. Also, the way that you worded that is so perfect. Beautifully put.
Instead of frittering away the last few months of his presidential term, Biden should have just resigned and allowed Harris to take over his role. She could have pivoted way to the left without having to undermine Biden’s agenda and that would have really sent a clearer message to the democratic base.
If voting patterns of America ever showed something consistently, it is the fact that shifting to the left in any sense never works. You can sometimes entice the public with enough vigor so they don’t focus on your politics, but outside of very rare cases, shifting to the right consistently brings some votes, and shifting to the left consistently brings loses.
And no amount of social media posts was able to change it weirdly enough.
It might have something to do with consistent anti-voting narrative of a lot of the vocal leftists, coupled with their bafflement that they consistently don’t get a desired outcome.If voting patterns of America ever showed something consistently, it is the fact that shifting to the left in any sense never works.
Sounds like a great excuse to only move right.
do you have ANY other solutions to the problem? Maybe idk, actually voting?
I did vote. For harris.
Your party responds to all sensory input by moving right and punching left. You assume anyone who has a problem with that must be a nonvoter.
good job, you actually did something! Why are you here then? Go yell at your representatives or something, nobody cares.
Your party responds to all sensory input by moving right and punching left.
bold assumption.
You assume anyone who has a problem with that must be a nonvoter.
statistically, it’s very likely to be true, the primary demographic among the progressive left is younger people, the youth, the primary voting block is older people, the elderly. Statistically, this is bound to overlap in such a way that most people out here yapping online about stupid political shit like this, are not voting.
And the “I assume you are younger than me and therefore wrong” boomer dismissal is here again.
how old do you think i am?
Nope. This is on Biden. It’s his fault Harris/Walz were put into an impossible situation.
That senile old fuck was supposed to be a one-term president. If they’d spent 4 years planning for 2024 instead of sitting around with their thumbs up their asses maybe they could have run a winning campaign.
But no, Joe was too proud or stupid or both to stick to that plan. This election was lost the instant he doddered his way on to the debate stage on 6/27/24.
This is on anyone who was within arms reach of Trump in the last decade and didn’t take matters into their own hands.
Yeah a bunch of people want to make excuses for 90 million people who just… Didn’t think it was important who won.
Campaign was flawed but if people showed up to vote against fascism we wouldn’t be here. And there’s zero excuse for all 90 million of them to not show up.
Edit- well, Im reading your post in a different light but, yes that too.
If you didn’t notice, Democrats were aligning with fascism.
Funny, I noticed they were the only ones running campaigns with a legitimate change of winning against the fascists.
Talking about winning against fascism and actually doing something or not the same thing, they talk a big game and then end up capitulating to Republicans.
Winning elections is the only way to keep power from the hands of fascists that doesn’t involve extralegal actions.
Which fascist is gonna keep fascism out of power, the blue one or the red one?
Meanwhile Democrats are lining up Rham Emanuel and Gavin Newsom to run. Lol
Dear fucking God not Newsom. That dude is a bigger turd than Hillary.
“I think Americans have had it,” Walz explained. ”… Look, I own this. We wouldn’t be in this mess if we’d have won the election ― and we didn’t.”
Good to see someone from the campaign acknowledge “getting votes” was the campaign’s entire job, and losing the election is the fault of the campaign.
I hope Walz runs in a competitive primary and gets the nomination.
But if they try to just hand a baton off, we’re gonna see the same result.
Primaries are only competitive if the people show up to them.
Primaries are only competitive if we actually have them
We did, in fact, have primaries. There were like 9 choices for the Democratic nominee in my state. Better challengers could have run but didn’t. Yes I know the DNC using funding to “encourage” or “discourage” but that doesn’t change the fact that challengers could have, and did, run in the primaries.
Nobody voted for Harris in the 2024 Democratic primary and she was still the nominee, picked by the head nerds at the DNC
That is partially true. We the voters did not vote for Harris, but the Biden delegates who the primary voters sent to the convention did.
Like I said: The head nerds at the DNC picked her.
yes, but those head nerds were elected by the primary voters.
Count the number of states where “others” were not on the ballot:
Your proof that we didn’t have primaries is to link a source that shows that not only did 48 states have a primary (I wasn’t aware that Florida and Delaware did not, so TIL, and thank you for that), but also that all of them had at least one challenger on the ballot? Show me who qualified to be on the primary ballot in their state, showed up to register for it, and was denied.
I’m not who posted it, but that list is either wrong or varies by county. My state is listed with a couple other candidates in various colors including green, but my actual primary ballot was Biden or nobody. (Or Trump or nobody). I just recycled it.