Words have meanings, chooae better words if they don’t mean what you want.
Words have meanings, chooae better words if they don’t mean what you want.
This is an Atroturf if I’ve ever seen one. You literally praise the GOP and insult the DNC in one breath, even accuse the DNC of corporatism lmao like have you not followed politics at all in the last 35 years?
Guess I just gotta take it up the ass like the good rube that I am,
Thats what that “lifelong Democrat” has to say about voting for the DNC.
Why are you ashamed at yourself for doing the correct thing? Likening yourself to a cuck surrendering to rape because you voted for your own wellbeing and that of others?
I’m not seeing the connection here. Maybe keep your weird sexual fantasies out of politics, or start assigning blame where it deserves to be.
It doesn’t unlock anything new, it just removes the lion handler from the lion’s circus act. Although, that lion handler was a Republican majority and wasn’t doing anything anyways.
A congressional recess during shutdown means that nobody would be left to hold Trump accountable. Except, they’re already not doing that, so…
Congress in theory has the power to hold back, punish, or even remove the president. The government shutdown causes a congressional recess.
If Republicans didn’t have majority then there wouldn’t be any DNC making difficult choices. Not voting for democrats is exactly what caused this problem you’re supposedly outraged by.
Specifically, this action talked about in the article is an addition to the GOP spending bill which is awaiting vote in the senate OR upon filibuster could be handed back to the house for reconciliation.
The bill also cuts medicare, agriculture, education, and commerce investments.
They’re looking to halve the deficit by cutting 2 Trillion in spending so that they can extend their TCJA tax cuts which adds 4.5 trillion net loss for the government.
I wish that were a typo
From the article, the family was driving from Rio Grande to Houston for her treatment, going through an immigration checkpoint, as they have done in the past but this time the entire family was detained and deported on the spot.
Generally people with family who have citizenship and noncriminals are all exceptions, they used to be called undocumented instead of illegals because even undocumented workers pay taxes in the USA. Not anymore, now anybody and everybody is at risk of deportation. They’re even discussing removal of citizenship from whoever they like, as they attempted in Trump’s last term.
It is worth noting that because of this policy the ICE is actually less effective at catching actual criminals.