Can we stop bullying transpeole now and admit maybe it actually IS Trump that’s the problem?
Can we stop bullying transpeole now and admit maybe it actually IS Trump that’s the problem?
At this point, Elon Musk hardly counts as “someone”
AOC wouldn’t be a Republican Landslide what are you… reads the rest of it
Ahh… you’re one of those “Democrats need to crucify transpeople in the street in order to prove they love America” weirdos
Sorry Concern Troll, but I’m not buying it
I hope to God that’s not true. I can’t imagine someone being that selfish
I swear if Gavin fucking Newsom gets the nomination, I’ll take my chances with Vance… And that’s not a compliment at Vance, Gavin’s just THAT openly transphobic that Vance looks like a good person BY COMPARISON, I know they’re both transphobes.
God… a situation where I’d support Vance, are things really getting that bad
Course if it’s Trump Jr. I’m going to try to grab a ballot, only to throw up all over it… That apple hasn’t fallen from the tree, somehow it’s floating over it
Walz however, I can live with and vote for willingly without a gun to my head.
AOC will be the woman Hillary wished anyone believed for a second she was.
We need a Tea Party of the Left
They’ll get riiiiight on that
Schumer, the fuck dude?
I’m amazed he’s offering “Surrender or die”, I figured he’d pull an Israel and go “Surrender AND die”
What’s Digg?
Finally, Reddit can die
I was one of the many MANY victims of unjust banning, and I just want my niche communities here, all the weird expansion and transformation porn I like, DBD Shitposting, and The Sims 4 troublshooting… ahh…
We are one Big Mac-invoked stroke away from being able to afford Canadian Peanut Butter again.
This is the one day where the defendant can say “Yes, I did it, I feel no remorse, and I’ll do it again!”
And I’m completely on his side
Though thankfully for his lawyer he hasn’t done that and is doing what all people who get found Non-Guilty do, keep his mouth shut and take no plea deals.
I’ll never understand how investigations weren’t launched over that shit