I have NextCloud in a free instance by my Italian internet provider and it is sooooo good.
Unidata. But I don’t know if it is still part of their offer.
Does nextcloud provide hosting / are there nextcloud hosts? Not everybody has the technical expertise to do so.
P.S and what happened to OwnCloud?nvm, they are owned by a US company. Fuck em.Hetzner (from Germany) offers Nextcloud hosting. I think it comes with their storage boxes.
See here for hosts:
I think they don’t provide hosting, but they have a list of trusted and certified providers on their website: https://nextcloud.com/sign-up/
I completely agree. That’s not nexclouds business model. But they have their partners marked on their website. There are some providers, where you can get managed nextcloud hosting for a good price.
check out https://nextcloud.com/partners
What about pCloud?
There is also filen.io from Germany.
Just make sure your host offers end to end encryption. Always privacy first
You can also use something like Cryptomator to encrypt the files yourself and chuck them in any storage provider without having to worry how good their encryption is
oh, wow, crypt.ee looks nice!
Honest question: isn’t Proton Drive a good European alternative for Google Drive?
Some people are against Proton in general because of what their CEO said. Besides that it seems neat.
I use mine for bulk backups of certain things, but the lack of a Linux desktop sync client makes it not useable for my needs.
I have a small glacier depo, any idea if there are some relatively cheap (it’s dirt cheap) ones here in Europe?
Just realised at work yesterday that my university’s library (yes I work there) uses nextcloud for quite a lot.
Though I don’t know for what they use it, the university has their own server infrastructure
I started using koofr a few months ago, it works reasonably well.
Proton also is a considerable drive alternative.