Everytime I see our local cyber truck I hope someone vandalizes it.
Most people who own these crappy cars can’t even really afford them. Now they are in big trouble because they can’t get rid of them. Lol.
If I had one I’d keep it, vandalise it myself and turn it into an anti-musk advertising vehicle. It’s a bad idea to waste the resources that went into making them.
I’d just park it in portland overnight and file an insurance claim the next morning.
But selling a used one to someone that wants an affordable EV will potentially turn someone from buying one brand new, and therefore keeping profits out of Little Musky’s pockets.
Sell a vandalised one then. At least you know it won’t be going to a maga.
That would be good for the EV conversion market. Since they use a lot of Tesla motors and battery packs.
What are your thoughts on doing a Nazi salute when seeing a cybertruck? Is it okay because we are mocking them? Or is it just never okay to do a Nazi salute?
Definitely do not. Might be a show of support.
don’t do a nazi salute, you’ll just end up making it socially acceptable. Middle finger instead.
While it’s nice to protest outside of the Tesla dealership, people should be protesting outside of US embassies, and while they are at it, protest outside of the Chinese and Russian embassies too. Block them in.
Trump and musk couldn’t care less about protests outside embassies.
The Tesla protests are hurting musk.
Elon is getting slapped by the invisible hand.
fun fact: the people who originally coined the phrase ‘invisible hand of the market’ called it ‘the invisible hand of providence’ which basically means ‘gods inscrutable will’. capitalism-at least market capitalism-is literally a religion.
and its god is smiting his favorite special boy. so sad.
The brand is forever damaged. Sell while you can.
I feel bad for Nikola Tesla having his name associated with all this nonsense. Not even death let him escape from rich assholes taking credit for the work of others.
if Nikola Tesla weren’t a eugenicist i’d agree with you
The year 2100 will see eugenics universally established. In past ages, the law governing the survival of the fittest roughly weeded out the less desirable strains. Then man’s new sense of pity began to interfere with the ruthless workings of nature. As a result, we continue to keep alive and to breed the unfit. The only method compatible with our notions of civilization and the race is to prevent the breeding of the unfit by sterilization and the deliberate guidance of the mating instinct. Several European countries and a number of states of the American Union sterilize the criminal and the insane. This is not sufficient. The trend of opinion among eugenists is that we must make marriage more difficult. Certainly no one who is not a desirable parent should be permitted to produce progeny. A century from now it will no more occur to a normal person to mate with a person eugenically unfit than to marry a habitual criminal.
Oof, that’s a tough read.
I have read a number of comments from people with illnesses or other issues that are genetic, saying they don’t want to pass their problems onto the next generation.
So, bizarrely enough, there is a certain amount of eugenics happening, it’s just purely voluntary.
It’s the top-down nature of the eugenics movement that made it so morally repugnant. “We decide who’s fit to have kids.”
it was the turn of the 20th century; everybody was a eugenicist. that’s why we say ‘people from the past sucked’.
Boo hoo, don’t care. Hope they all lose their asses.
especially the assholes that slap “I bought it before we knew Elon was an ass” style stickers on their cars.
Musk has always been a miserable piece of shit. You just turned a blind eye to it because you wanted to hero worship a emotionally stunted perpetually 13 year old troglodyte, until you couldnt anymore.
I also remember the hero worship in 2015-20ish, even when projects like Hyperloop and countless others were a well known scam. I worked in top tech and their product team worshipped him, they hated me after I tried expressing skepticism. These people probably think he’s nuts in 2025, but also say “that wasn’t a Nazi salute, stop overreacting”.
He has always been a con artist, I don’t know why people act like “Oh how did you know Musk was a bad guy in 2015? Impossible!”
Even going all the way back to paypal, Musk has been a piece of shit. a very obvious, public piece of shit.
Fanboys are in a panic and trying to change history and their blind support of him thanks to the nazism coming out full bore in a way that cant be dismissed/handwaved/excused
The customer service part… 😂
Our team will handle all the paperwork and finer details of filing insurance claims and police reports to provide you a smooth transition of ownership and plausible deniability.
That should be higher up on the page, since that’d be the primary value of that service.
It’s also the point where it’s blindingly obvious the site is a joke, so I do think it’s best saved for last.
Please be real.
It really is a website that can be linked to!
So is The Onion.
I shamefully admit I almost pulled the trigger on a Tesla Model S Plaid back in 2021 or 2022. Flush with a shit ton of cash, but fortunately I was reading reports of production build quality issues, many recalls, and ultimately pulled back my deposit.
Looking back at it. The one decision I have no regrets on.
That’s the part I never understood. Even if you weren’t a Musk fan boy and before Musk showed his true colors, Telsa has always, ALWAYS been shit quality. I remember back in 2015, or so, there was a video of someone finally getting their Telsa and it had a massive crack running the length of the driver side A-pillar, yet they just ignored it.
The Roadsters were well-made. That was when production volumes were low and Musk hadn’t bought the company yet.
Who knew that being a publicly facing cunt makes people not want to buy your product. Shocking discovery.
I’m so glad that I lost my job in 2016 and had to cancel my Tesla Model 3 reservation. When I eventually got a better paying job in 2017 I played it safe -assumed I could lose it at any moment- and bought a Chevrolet Spark which has served me well.
Carvana bought mine at a decent price. I imagine the coming glut will have them refusing to buy Teslas outright. Other enraged Tesla owners should unload theirs asap.
Good on you for having principles. Unfortunately a lot of Tesla owners are limp dicked piss baby champagne socialists who’d rather just put a 5 dollar sticker on their bumper instead of selling it.
Not everyone is the position to sell their car, especially at huge finacial loss. So they buy the stupid sticker to make them selves feel a little better.
Many bought the thing 5+ years ago when Tesla was basically the only electric with a real charging network and in a time before Musk went from eccentric billionaire to an out-of-the-closet Nazi.
Now anyone buying one new today, that’s a different story (Which makes it harder to sell the damn thing).
Why the fuck are you defending this shit?
Also I am tired of hearing about how Musk only recently went insane, dude has been off the rails for as long as I can remember.
Eccentric billionaire? My ass dude, he was an asshole and insane always for anyone paying at least a little bit of attention.
It just finally caught up to him and now everyone wants to cry wolf that has been supporting him? Fuck off.