It’s hard to find clothing not made in Asia. So I wanted to shout out Community Clothing, of Patrick Grant, Great British Sewing Bee fame. It’s where I buy most stuff now, and I love it.
I miss buying stuff from the UK… But after leaving the UK, and my country ramping up customs handling fees and import duties it is simply not affordable any more
Thanks for the hint. No matter what, you’ll always be with us in spirit, at least for me :-D And the UK is a part of Europe. We have to stay strong together. Brexit changed things, but friendships and unity remain. ♥️
We’re still in Europe; its more than fhe EU.
Would still be nice to have you guys back
Was really cool to not be such a split up clusterfuck - in part to Russian disinformation campaigns and such cocksuckers like Orban
The UK is just one part of the puzzle, but still, I’d really welcome you guys back
Im in Ireland and Brexit has fucked up a huge number of things small and large.
True, I wasn’t actually too worried about posting (the rules would probably say), but it did seem like most of the posts were EU centric.
Wether UK is in the EU or not: you people are always welcome here!
I like Rapanui for cheap sustainable fashion have yet to find anything cheaper.
They seem to be inconsistent in saying where the stuff is made. It says designed on the Isle of White, and I found one garment that said Morroco, while another says made in “an environmentally sustainable factory”.
There’s also Trigema who produce in Germany
I wish it was in English… also it is quite pricey and I couldn’t figure out if it ships to other countries (without having to sign up or log in).
Also do they really only accept Amazon payment??
There’s also Howies from West Wales
Hah, funny to see Howies referenced here, wore my light cycling waterproof from them yesterday for the first time in years.
It’s one of the best designed pieces of clothing I’ve ever had. It’s such a simple piece but everything is just “right”