I’m a UK based professional and I come to the US for a conference each year. I won’t be coming again.
I dont want to have my phone searched at the border, I dont want to risk arbitrary arrest and detention without legal representation, and frankly I dont want to spend my money in the US anymore (its a week long conference and costs a couple of thousand pounds including conference fees, flights, hotel and expenses). I’m already trying to buy European because of trumps other behaviour, so not spending mony in going to theUS is an easy win too.
Now multiply that out - even if its a small percentage overall there are lots of people who are no longer going to want to visit the US in the current climate. Expect a downturn in US tourism guvent the horror stories that are coming our of US ICE detention centres.
Its likely the friendly words will continue but the EU will delay Serbia joining.
The EU is dealing with Hungary already, plus looking with concern at whats happening in Slovakia.
Serbia won’t be joining the EU any time soon, and the EU will string Serbia along in the meantime watching what happens. They won’t want any more authoritarian regimes joining. Hungary is already a huge thorn in the aide of the EU.