i had this book when I was an edgy teenager in my middle class bedroom rubbing olive oil on taper candles from the grocery store and… wait this is sounding like something different entirely
i had this book when I was an edgy teenager in my middle class bedroom rubbing olive oil on taper candles from the grocery store and… wait this is sounding like something different entirely
Im in Ireland and Brexit has fucked up a huge number of things small and large.
you use your fingernails to pry it open while pushing the dick part out
id be pretty sure that the broadband expansion to rural areas projects in the biden administration was working on will grind to a halt if they havent already.
how maga people watch musk and dismantle public services and give billions of dollars in subsidies to musk’s businesses and still think they’re fighting for them is just otherworldly levels of cognitive dissonance management
Well, this is a little unusual. I’ve marched in DC and attended more protests than I can count. Thanks for making assumptions though, its neat
no listen, the fediverse is good! you should try the fediverse!!
yeah thats totally fair, cause it doesn’t surprise me at all either
yeah look, that’s all a reasonable point of view.
I’m not trying to call you out, but I’d be curious as to what you have done personally to stand up to injustices that were doled out by the government of your own country.
I’ll also still stand by my original statement that it’s not useful to go on the internet and write “typical out-group person”, full stop.
yeah, no, of course. I get it, I just think statements like that are completely unhelpful
I’m not sure saying its typical of Russians is helpful. I know two Russian people and neither of them are blackmailing kids into performing terroristic acts.
I’m not defending Russia’s government nor the attitudes of many of the country’s civilians. I also have my own biases and prejudices that I’ve been working most of my life to extinguish.
I just don’t think it’s helpful to go on the internet and write “typical X, X’s are all the same” in essentially any situation.
I was walking along the shore in North Myrtle Beach and some jackass had colt .45 in a cowboy holster around his waist. He was walking with another chubby dude who was pretty obviously his friend. Never before have I seen such a fuckin chode
yes, the problem with having an ignorant idiot of a host/presenter have all these hugely influential people with their half baked ideas as guests is that he can’t/won’t point out basic facts like how a lack of empathy is indicative of anti-social personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder.
so, you’ve got how many bros who think “empathy is a bug” is a statement that doesn’t need to be challenged out there… repeating it in their heads.
Roegan just lets them talk, its a forum for everybody!
yeah i know it dawned on me quite quickly where it sounded like that was heading…
these “white magic” paperback books from Borders would have you anoint candles with oil to like, I dont fuckin know, endow them with your intention (Id wish the girl in algebra would notice me, so the book’d tell you to think about her while putting oil on a pink candle so when you burn it your “spell” would go into the air or some crap)
that particular book there though was page after page like that where it said shit like “for protection from your enemies wrap some wire around leaf and put it under your doormat”