Afaict the only normal egg prices I’ve seen have been at, of all places, Trader Joe’s. $3.49/dozen. Limit 1 per customer.
I’m starting to see half and half at the discount groceries as high as $7 for store brand.
Afaict the only normal egg prices I’ve seen have been at, of all places, Trader Joe’s. $3.49/dozen. Limit 1 per customer.
I’m starting to see half and half at the discount groceries as high as $7 for store brand.
No, but he’s impacted mental health. I’ve had people with psychosis wondering, first term, why Trump hadn’t arrived to save them from their crappy lives yet. Crying. Shaking. Legit beside themselves with belief that he was riding in to save them from themselves post election. Going over the edge such that “the shot” needed to be deployed.
Needless to say, news was banned from that unit, airing it made breakdowns increase in both number and severity.
That said, this is not how the current conservative pundits are presenting this so called syndrome. This label is instead assisting in their dismissal of people who think Trump is having a negative impact on America, in whatever way(s) you choose to read his impact as negative. The way they toss “Trump Derangement Syndrome” around is not unlike the classic unhealthy male who can’t maintain a healthy romantic relationship and is thus quick to accuse the ex, all the exes, of being “crazy” in a sad attempt to rally social support. Similar tone.
You are, of course, correct. That said, the level of enforcement happening on illegal acts and judicial orders says it may not matter.
It’s a mess right now. So keeping an eye is good.
This statement sums up modern Western society.
Psychic pathology is a phrase that could go in several directions.
It kills the birds. As such I’m sure there’s culling.
H5N1 is also fully adapted to mammals now as well.
This is why we HAD allies. Had. To assist with the largesse we consume as Americans. You don’t get to swing your orange dick around at the world, offending and assaulting every ally, and then ask for help.
Was there when I posted, granted, it’s made mainstream headlines.