Every western country has neonazis, but only Ukraine has them in top levels of government and military.
All I know is that you’re a clown making statements that are at odds with reality. I think deep down even you know that.
Nah, I understand that you’re doing trolling here perfectly well, as does everybody reading this thread.
What is relevant is that you made a non sequitur here. However, the actual difference that exists is that Putin actually won elections and has popular support in Russia. Meanwhile, western puppet in Ukraine cancelled elections for obvious reasons. Try to put a bit more work into your trolling to make it less obvious.
They weren’t under Russian control. What actually happened was that the west was not ok with Ukraine being independent and instigated a coup there. Incredible how trolls now twist this to be backwards.
I believe this is what’s called whataboutism in liberal parlance
One problem with this theory is that Russia was perfectly fine with Ukraine trading with Europe until the coup in 2014 happened.
you misspelled predictable there
lmfao did you just say Ukraine was blossoming democracy 🤣
Russia is a huge country has plenty of minerals and a low population. Trading people for more minerals isn’t exactly in Russia’s interest.
Nah, Elon did a nazi salute. Fascism in US shouldn’t shocking to anybody who’s even minimally historically literate. German nazis pretty much used the US as the model after all.