The last poster says: “I found a roundabout way to go at it by transfering the posts to wordpress, I’ll figure it out from there :)” I would have liked more info on that, though I’m afraid there would still be a catch - I don’t use Wordpress anymore and never was a power user, so I’m not sure it would be possible on a free tier to stash an entire Facebook archive on a Wordpress page - and then what about importing it into the fediverse? There should be a guide for this somewhere.
Any European email provider who provides free tier and allows more than one personal account, just like Gmail? No problem for me if the amount of free storage is low.
The idea that consumer boycott is going to impede that unfolding political apocalypse of a regime is wishful thinking. However, even if somehow the US might return any soon to half-normal (any reasonable person should doubt it at this point), that half-normal should imply severe punishments for the complicity of big American corporations with DT’s regime, such as breaking these corporations apart. That alone should tell you EU can’t depend anymore on US big tech anymore.
Not supported in my EU country (Romania)! I am so not going to use a VPN just to access my email, it’s ridiculous.