This. The average American isn’t uncomfortable enough to make a stand. They still have food, jobs, housing, schools, transportation. While the average American’s needs are met, I doubt much will happen.
This. The average American isn’t uncomfortable enough to make a stand. They still have food, jobs, housing, schools, transportation. While the average American’s needs are met, I doubt much will happen.
I lived there 10 years ago and it felt entirely different at the time. Chinese people were afraid to discuss certain topics in public, which was not the case in the USA at that time, but yes, times have changed and it is becoming increasingly similar in the US.
There are already a lot of reports.
This post is one report.
The claim is that there are lots of reports of this happening.
I know about the 2020 plainclothes, masked, secret police kidnappings, and I know of this one. Are there others, or was the “lots of reports” just made up?
Edit: grammar. removed a (hopefully) unnecessary comma
So, no?
If you make a claim, the burden of proof lies on you, not the other person to internet search for a mystery article.
Are you referring to the BLM protest arrests in 2020 or is there something current happening beyond this one instance?
I’m not saying this isn’t bad, nor that it won’t get worse, but if it’s already worse, and you’re making the claim that it is, I’d like to see some evidence of that.
source for these reports?
That’s kind of how the antichrist works. He fools most people into believing he’s a good guy
They’re just gonna make shit up like they always do. They’ve already tried overinflating their “savings”, I’m sure they’ll just do it again. If the first lie doesn’t work, go BIGGER!
I’m interested and for $3 I thinnill give it a shot. How does this compare to rimworld, as they look similar?
I’m with you on this. I think a youtube / peertube channel providing GUI only tutorials could do quite well and would help to further the linux cause
I’m too lazy do it, but someone should
Haha I did volunteer at a track for a bit and they paid me in rally car lessons, driving one of their WRXs through the woods, which was a blast.
They were convinced I’d done it before because before they taught me how, I was already good at left foot braking and could smoothly heel-toe while shifting, but in reality I hadn’t driven an IRL stick shift for more than a few hours at most. That’s not to say I didn’t make some silly mistakes though lol
Bought an FR-S recently and once I get some new tires on it, I’m gonna see how I do on a not-dirt track!
Anyway I’ve switched to PC now, if anyone wants to race…
I should probably take a picture, but at least 1500 hours on Project Cars 2 on PS4 / 5
Lol I tried all I got was how to report missing people to the FBI, lists of missing people unrelated to the gestapo, and articles about ice raids where the cops were in uniform.