I think there are actual elected Democrats who want to oppose the fascists. Look at Bernie, AOC, Crockett, even Pritzker and Walz. Hell, even Seth fucking Moulton and Nancy fucking Pelosi criticized Vichy Schumer over his collaboration and capitulation.
The problem is the Democrats, at the national level, are all led by the Vichy caucus of the party. Schumer, Jeffries, Newsom, etc who actually agree with the fascists on a number of issues.
We can’t write off everyone elected with a (D) next to their name. History has shown us time and time again that the only thing that has ever defeated a powerful fascists movement is a popular front of leftists and liberals working together. We need to eliminate the Vichy wing of the Democratic Party. I’m not going to pretend like I know how to do that, but we’re never going to defeat the fascists if we keep lumping everyone in with the collaborationists. That just fractures our side and strengthens theirs.
And electoral politics can’t be the only thing we do. It’s one tactic, but it’s not the only or even most important one. Most importantly, we need to build connections and networks within our communities so that we can support each other against the fascists. We need to establish the relationships now so that when the fascists come for the marginalized in our community people (especially those less engaged with politics) are more willing to side with the victims of the fascists who they’ve come to know against the power structures.