Or, just ignore it, pay 0, and see if the US has the stones to try and do anything about it.
Spoiler, we dont.
Or, just ignore it, pay 0, and see if the US has the stones to try and do anything about it.
Spoiler, we dont.
And you need planes, to deliver those nukes…
So, in solidarity, with the rest of Europe, all arms equally, to defend.
United we stand, divided we fall.
So, the US attacks a NATO member, kicking off Article 5.
But their bias of not supporting murder is somewhat understandable.
Its not murder, it’s self defense. A mass murderer was stopped by Luigi, end of story.
Give it time, and the US will. Or Russia. The two worst offenders in the “Colonial and imperialist empires”. Both of which are hard up on the sabre rattling at this time.
Continental Western Europe hasn’t seen conflict for almost a hundred years.
So, WWII, that last major war… Taught a lesson: You need to be able to use violence, to deal with fascists. Because, before you know it, they’re walking across all of Europe.
Now, Portugal needs to worry about the hostile force that can park a fleet of warships off their coast (The US).
Well, the best time to build up a military defensive force is in times of peace, so it’s there in times of invasion.
See: Ukraine.
Money well spent. But, frankly, who is that 500 million to? What happens if… They just don’t pay? I mean, Trump is very familiar with just not paying bills owed, maybe Canada should just… Return in kind?
Well, an easier fix is to just keep using the engine design, and stop paying the license fees.
What is the US gonna do? Stop supporting NATO? Put tariffs on exports to the EU? Stop being an ally, and ally themselves with Russia?
You target all of them, with as much force as you can muster.
You dont convert nazis by being nice to them. There is only one solution that works when dealing with fascists.
But, NY didn’t vote for Trump… And neither did CA.
So, punish the people who DID vote for Trump.
Don’t worry, states like NY and CA are being hit by Trump himself.
Yeah. He had Cheney as his handler. The same Cheney who was on stage talking about great Harris is.
MAGA congress critters are all generally in safe, gerrymandered districts.
The hornet nest is already kicked up… And the US is 60% of NATO right NOW. Which means Europe needs to bolster themselves. And its easier to do that without handing over half a billion bucks for nothing.
Just ignore it. Trump ignores contracts all the time. At worst? He’d just put more tariffs on the EU, because he knows not a single general will launch a war in Europe.