Which makes Darwin a system with BSD elements, just like some versions of Windows and all versions of Linux. Windows and Linux aren’t BSDs, I think you agree; neither is Darwin, for the same reason.
Runterwählen ist kein Gegenargument.
[Verifying my cryptographic key: openpgp4fpr:941D456ED3A38A3B1DBEAB2BC8A2CCD4F1AE5C21]
Which makes Darwin a system with BSD elements, just like some versions of Windows and all versions of Linux. Windows and Linux aren’t BSDs, I think you agree; neither is Darwin, for the same reason.
The kernel is not BSD. That’s like running GNU software on a BSD kernel: It’s still not a Linux.
Good idea. Try and report back. If it does not work, sorry!
Darwin is not a BSD.
Have you tried feeding them your youngest children?
No one does collaboration as easy as Microsoft
Try Apple.
Linux is super reliable
It depends on what you want to do with it, which version of which component you run and a couple of other things. In my own experience, if you want a “super reliable” system, get OpenBSD. Linux has a severe lack of QA, mainly because of its decoupled nature.
Here’s a list of End-of-Life dates for CentOS Stream which is a rolling release.
Ob Signal im Vergleich mit Telegram sicher ist, weiß ich gar nicht. Grundsätzlich halte ich es für richtig, US-Produkte in der EDV zu meiden (daher zum Beispiel auch OpenBSD statt Linux), aber es ist erst mal richtig, dass es bei Messengern sinnvoll ist, einen zu benutzen, den auch irgendwer anders nutzt. Threema ist trotz der Hürde des Einmalpreises ziemlich etabliert, auch in meinem Bekanntenkreis. Ansonsten nutzt man „in Europa“ ja gern mal Matrix, aber Matrix ist m.E. fürchterlich zu bedienen, fast auf Jabberniveau.
> will weg von „Trumps Kontrolle“ > empfiehlt US-Produkte wie Signal
Used FF forever
So you probably should remember the Mozilla FAQ entry that it’s “Firefox”, not “FireFox”; and that’s why they prefer “fx” because “FF” makes no sense. ;-p
Oh no, does this mean that Mozilla doesn’t give a damn about the privacy of their last twelve users? I.e. those who did not see that coming a decade ago?
Then again, US-American English is not exactly the most sophisticated sounding language either.
I wish nationalism wasn’t a good thing in the FLOSS world anymore.