“White children shouldn’t feel like racists in their own classroom.”
Maybe these kids need to learn some history, their privilege doesn’t end just because they are young.
“White children shouldn’t feel like racists in their own classroom.”
Maybe these kids need to learn some history, their privilege doesn’t end just because they are young.
Given the crazy spending how much do you feel in dollar value the low end workers would be getting per year?
They don’t get much money back in taxes, no universal healthcare, I don’t think child care is covered. So what are they getting for all the spending?
So if Bidens Chips act is the way to go, should Trump then borrow trillions to gift to every American company to get them to invest?
It seems like two corporatist parties competing, as Bernie Sanders and others are compromised by an undemocratic institution to gift the election to the worst candidate.
Have these random programs actually helped Americans?
To my naive view, would America not he better served with a far more progressive tax system, in lieu of spending these large sums to foreign countries and various agencies that squander what could be given to the poor?
In what world is giving the poor more money directly not he an effective means of raising their standard of living, which should be the main point of a progressive government?
Its speaking of Musk, but whose this skinny Asian guy in the picture?
Highly processed food is bad for you I’ve heard. Some people even want to ban most breakfast cereal.
The Bitcoin reserve might be the closest thing to property rights the US has achieved in a century. Its been 10 years of stealing peoples gold and purchasing power, in order to deliver stellar bailouts to risky bankers and hedge funds.
The game is abusing the reserve currency to fund your defense. The US extorts third world countries into accepting its inflation by utilizing USD, which funds its military, and Europe figured it would be able to coast on the the US doing this in perpetuity.
The problem the US faces is China stopped recycling into US treasuries, and other countries are following suit. So the world is changing and rates will be higher globally moving forward, hence Europe’s sudden goal of rushing in a CBDC by October.
I’m not crazy right, clearly aging demographics and higher yield treasuries are the cause of all of this instability the last few years?