Pigs won’t have the slightest problem with doing so. For feeding someone to chickens, some preparation might be needed due to the chickens’ small size.
Pigs won’t have the slightest problem with doing so. For feeding someone to chickens, some preparation might be needed due to the chickens’ small size.
You sure that nobody has sold you mislabeled unicorn meat?
Meat never was a staple food for large parts of the population in most places until relatively recent.
Have it chiseled into a slab of granite for better effect.
But if you eat too much of it, you’ll shit rainbows afterwards.
You would. Once the ox got too old to do useful work. (or injured) That’s what happened to old work horses, too. As well as to old milk cows. Of course meat from old animals tends to be of lower quality, so this tended to be sold off relatively cheap and often provided the only affordable meat for poor people.
Dogs and cats are carnivores. We don’t eat carnivores in general, regardless of domestication.
The problem with eating carnivores (and to some extent, omnivores) lies in the diseases they can carry (pork for instance has to be inspected for trichinosis), and accumulation of environmental toxins in their meat due to their position at the top of the food chain. Also, they tend to be more expensive to raise due to their food requirements.
The further up in the food chain an animal resides, the more scrutiny its meat needs in order to be safe to eat. For carnivores, that’s usually not worth the effort, as there isn’t all that much meat in a domestic cat or dog.
The only odd one out are horses, who we don’t eat in spite of them not being carnivores.
That’s really very much a cultural thing. In many cultures, horse meat used to be poor man’s meat, because you need to get rid of old horses unfit for work in one way or another and not eating the meat would be a waste, but meat of old animals usually isn’t necessarily of the best quality, so it was sold for relatively cheap. Over time, with declining reliance on horses as work animals, the availability of horse meat has declined and it turned into somewhat of a rare delicacy. Especially since the growing leisure horse industry doesn’t contribute a whole lot of horse meat fit for human consumption due to the medications used on leisure horses accumulating in the meat and not being exactly healthy for people.
If you remember the European horse meat scandal (a discount supermarket chain had been selling “beef” lasagna that contained horse meat instead of beef, the problem there wasn’t that the product was in any way unhealthy or dangerous, it was quality horse meat mislabeled as beef. It really was just a matter of deliberate mislabeling.
Came here to mention this.
Russia is literally using Nazi methods against people they like to accuse of being Nazis.
Yes, and, as usual, the fish stinks from the head. Most businesses are led by a bunch of dimwitted idiots who got their position by inheritance and/or nepotism and breathe that neoliberal spirit of boundless egotism. They will happily claim the work of others as their own, and wholeheartedly believe that lie themselves. Of course the underlings whose sole purpose is to entertain their whims aren’t worth of any decent pay nor recognition, and heavens forbid you allow them independent thought.
With states, it’s not any different. (conincidentally, the neoliberal cleptocrats in power almost globally think states should be run like businesses)
I suppose Swiss neutrality and its side effects radicalised the Swiss.
Remember when Germany tried to buy ammunition made in Switzerland for the Gepard self-propelled AA systems donated to Ukraine and got the sale denied due to neutrality? I’m sure pretty much every potential customer of the Swiss arms industry took notice of that. Now with a Trump induced European arms buying frenzy coming, Switzerland wants a piece of the cake after all.
As human civilisation, we all lost honor, accountability, pride of a well done job.
Decades of neoliberalism glorifying boundless egotism as the ultimate freedom and elevating limitless consumption to the highest human achievement made sure of it. Society has successfully taught people that there are no values beside monetary ones.
I think we also lack small communities.
Definitely. Unfortunately, neoliberalism with all its deregulation has also been systematically destroying the small scale economy that has kept small communities alive. Working class people can’t afford services of local small businesses anymore, and have to look for work further and further away from their homes. In rural areas hit especially hard by this (politically wanted) structural change, combined with systematic neglect of infrastructure and public services due to the cargo cult of austerity, it has already lead to a massive depopulation, leaving behind only the destitute who can barely afford a sense of community, and a handful of wealthy people who enjoy owning a cheap weekend home on the countryside just as much as they love to shit on the community it is located in.
Can’t make this shit up.
Hey Denmark we want Greenland and we will take it. - The US
Hey Denmark we also want eggs, please send some, OK? - Also the US
Shot across the Bow, send boarding party, take over and sail to convenient port for confiscation of cargo. Auction off ship and cargo, use the revenue to repair damages and to support Countries currently under military attack by Russia.