Bear in mind that in the early years of the USA, the vice president was generally the person who was running against the sitting President for the seat. It was another built in check to power, though unfortunately not codified. The idea of just picking a VP candidate came much later.
I don’t see how it’s not. I have all the desktops and gaming PCs in my house running EndeavorOS and it’s been a flawless experience, much better than Windows. Heck, I’ve been using Linux for my general desktop since 2015. I only kept a Windows install around for gaming, and that’s not even needed anymore.
Even the difference in the installs is utterly absurd. Linux install from USB to full desktop deployment is 15-20 minutes, tops. For Windows, it was more like 2 hours and a bunch of hacks to work around their Microsoft account bullshit.
What exactly “isn’t ready” in your opinion?