Eh, I don’t think you need to apologize for anything. I am being a grumpy, cranky old asshole after all.
And you’re right, anyway. No group of people are truly homogenous. Not all Boomers are bad in the same way that not all Democrats are good. I lose sight of that sometimes and I notice that others do too. It is in our human nature to group and categorize people and things and then to make sweeping assumptions about those groups. I try not to fall into that trap when I can notice it, but I’m just as fallible as the next guy.
I do think they need to have a good sample size to get results that make sense, yes.
Doing some research on it, seems like Quinnipiac’s standard polling is conducted “in more than 20 states and cities as well as nationally” (particular locations not specified) and has typically 1,000+ respondents using random digit dialing. Meaning they just slap random numbers into the phone and see who picks up.
I can’t say I can immediately come up with a better solution right off the top of my head right now, but I can identify several problems with their approach, namely being actual size of sample (1000 respondents is 0.000003% of the population) and the way they gather their responses (when was the last time you answered the phone for an unknown caller? Now when was the last time your grandmother did?).