Am American.
…this is not the flex that the article writer seems to think it is.
Am American.
…this is not the flex that the article writer seems to think it is.
Added to my newsboat RSS file
Except right now it’s clear they ARE allowing third party cartriges.
In full agreement with this*
*with the provision that there are ways to ensure this isn’t weaponized so that dissident or oppositional speech/photos/art isn’t flagged as AI so that it can be filtered out.
Still a ratfucker, but … not as high a priority target as the one activly throwing out nazi salutes.
Yea no. This company might even sincerely want to do its own constillation yet I doubt that. This is just to give the optics of ‘see! Musk isn’t a monopoly!’ along with ‘see! we’re not trump’s puppets! We’re fighting against President Musk!’
Same as their halfhearted attempts at laying fiber.
Pick a newbie friendly version. I’m going to suggest linux mint, but there may be better options.
I have a better idea.
Let’s set fire to the gardens and salt the ground so nothing will grow again in that soil.
‘We don’t want bias’ is code for ‘make it biased in favor of me.’
Always good to have facts backing up what was already a ‘known.’
Schumer has turned the democratic party into a top down mess that is ineffectual and will continue to be ineffectual because nobody expects the Democratic party to be able to do anything, and for that to change there needs to be a bottom up restructuring.
The Left needs to get rid of fucking Schumer.
Let Bernie retire, because the man was there for the signing of the declaration (pretty sure his signature is just below Adams’s.)
Let the man retire. Get rido f the Quaislings that seem content to be ineffectual opposition.
Do stuff other than beg the base for money and give people somethign they can be involved in. Start looking at community efforts. Build ties at the base’s own level so the base SEES the Democratic party Doing stuff locally that HELPS them.
Make billions, maybe have to pay a fine that’s a few hundred thousand.
It’s a one trick pony.
That trick also happens to be a really neat trick that can make people think it’s a swiss army knife instead of a shovel.