now you can go to the doctor without losing your home!
the problem is that they don’t believe in “get woke go broke” themselves. if they did they wouldn’t have fucking conniptions every time they saw a black person or even a woman on screen. they would just sit back and watch the woke movies bomb. but they don’t. the rate of bad “woke” movies is just the rate of bad movies.
if he wasn’t he wouldn’t force them to make a truck that’s as disfigured as his body.
just to clarify I’m not talking about “EVs”. I’m talking about teslas. they’re famously prone to catching fire.
first of all my comment or the one you first replied to had nothing to do with whether the suspects in question are wrong or even violent. you’re the one who seems to failing to grasp that. I don’t care if it’s a serial killer, they still have rights. there’s no crime in the world, not even terrorism, that justifies bypassing human rights.
second of all you’re wrong. fuck property. people riot because it’s the last refuge of the powerless. so-called peaceful protests don’t do shit and never have. history proves time and time again that change only comes with violent protests, the least of which involves burning shit. for even more fundamental change, heads need to be rolling. so right now you better hope burning property brings meaningful change because no one wants this to escalate.
if you disagree, please dust off the pussy hat and go to the streets, see if it works this time.
no we don’t. we want people to switch to public transit
no, but they have a right to not be blackbagged and sent to gitmo, which is a right that you don’t have in the US.
it could’ve caught fire on its own, it’s a tesla.
you should’ve known that when you bought the car too, before you knew about the nazism.
Schumer is a traitor, capitulator and collaborator.
his response to ice literally kidnapping a man for speech was three paragraphs of “oh yeah totally fuck him hate how fucking Arab he is” before finally saying “but this might be a little bit wrong? uwu” and asking for reasons rather than fucking demanding he be released immediately.
Chuck “blackbagging might be wrong” Schumer. between him and Amy I wonder how much worse a family can get.
fascist collaborator piece of shit.
it wouldn’t be soon enough if he died 25 years ago.
crematorium in this case
Someone who cares about him needs to take him off the internet permanently
there’s your problem innit
rfk is a terrorist who wants to use biological weapons.
that’s only 1500 or so 9/11s… who cares, right?
the colonial project far supercedes religion here
what do you mean “not put on anyone else”? you think if it’s a personal decision the disease they catch becomes respectful and tries not to infect vulnerable people around them? yes it is put upon everyone else.
and that’s for adults. in this case the decision was put upon the poor little girl who needed them to shield her from the most basic preventable ailments. what other personal decision would you respect? “yeah she ran around with that kitchen knife but we decided not to interfere with god’s will.” wow parents, at least she only hurt herself with that knife, good job on not stabbing other children with it.