Not officially as it’s hard to determine the nationality. But it’s a drop in a bucket as NK has seen very limited action in the Kursk region.
Not officially as it’s hard to determine the nationality. But it’s a drop in a bucket as NK has seen very limited action in the Kursk region.
Casualties != Death
It’s the proper procedure - they have a “ranking” how they proceeded with countries that behave like that. The US currently is not quite yet in the “travel warning” area but is getting closer and closer every day (which they, despite the usual secrecy of diplomacy, told the media multiple times).
Considering the huge ramifications a travel warning has, it’s reasonable to go step by step to gradually increase pressure, ideally together with European partners.
The formal travel warning is basically the biggest gun they have in their arsenal.
Amongst others that would mean:
Most travel insurance providers no longer would cover travellers. This is especially significant for business travel as then individual risk assessment need to be made. (I do the later…it’s not cheap). And companies can no longer require their staff to travel to the US. So huge “risk bonuses” would be required. Even more significant for public employees and the European army personnel currently training in the US.
Airlines would have to take additional insurance by their brokers to cover flights to and from the US. That can easily double prices for passengers and freight.
Current trade contracts will have larger insurance costs, industrial goods and equipment that requires maintenance will have issues,etc. This is not a one way street,though,as European staff cannot be trained in the US either. Same goes for science,etc.
They will also ask you for your password for online accounts and refuse entry if you don’t. And as we have all seen recently that does not necessarily mean “next flight home”.
Yeah. Germany had more turnout on the streets against a far right populist party who isn’t even in power. Germany has around than 1/4 the population of the US. And go to hell with “population centres far apart,etc.” It’s simply not a valid argument.
Germany even had more turnout when the actual Nazis did take over.
So did Italy with Mussolini or Chile with Pinochet.
The country who basically did claim to be the pinnacle of democracy for decades and flooded half of south America with illegal arms they claimed to need for “protection their freedom”? They rolled over. Chuck Schumer rolled over and voted yes and so did the remaining population.
And there are numerous European/German companies who have already have put a hold on all US travel for their staff. Some critical infrastructure/defence companies even seek to implement “not even for vacation” clauses for their management levels.
The German government is openly considering a travel warning. Which would fuck over things a lot because then a) employers can hardly make their staff go to the US anymore b) most travel insurance companies won’t cover the US anymore with their standard plans (it’s already more expensive due to the insane healthcare costs) and require individual high risk country plans - which are a lot of paperwork and everything.
This will fuck over the US royally - because even if Trump wants to push US based manufacturing these factories need equipment. And this equipment is really not produced in the US much - it comes from Europe/Japan if you want the best and China if you are interested in the “cheap” stuff. But now it will come with either a hefty surcharge (think like double the price - or more) or not come at all because it’s not worth the hazzle.
Especially for factory equipment, healthcare (there are already a lot of medical product manufacturers who simply do not serve the US market due to the insane costs to access it with little to gain) and pharma this is very relevant.
Which a lot of people don’t know: IOM also helps migration within industrialized nations - e.g. they used to have special flight conditions for migration to and from the US or Australia. (Mostly not cheaper but extra luggage allowance or things like that)
And it has some options to interpret data following strict W3C standards. Which was incredibly helpful when learning, as it encouraged me (and a lot of others) to don’t go down the IE/Netscape and later Chrome “specialities” road. (Yes,I am that old…I still remember MS fucking FrontPage)