Zebra M-402, which I’ve used exclusively for at least 20 years. (The same one.)
Followed closely by the Ticonderoga.
Zebra M-402, which I’ve used exclusively for at least 20 years. (The same one.)
Followed closely by the Ticonderoga.
Imagine being so fucking dumb you use IRS data to go after immigrants who are paying taxes, thus ensuring no immigrant ever pays taxes again.
Trump managed to do something similar to the GOP while being a gibbering idiot and saying the evil shit his base of deplorables wanted to hear. So I dunno, maybe say the shit the working class wants to hear?
Yes, I can eat a seemingly infinite amount of pasta. Just pasta.
Yet Roberts and the scrotus were fuckin dumb enough to give potus nearly complete immunity, which is functionally the same. If the courts rule against any specific action there is nothing to stop him from immediately doing it again.
At least they made sure a wide variety of races, ethnicities, and religions were represented. Isn’t there an acronym for that?
The thing is, he’s playing chess while the Republicans don’t give a fuck what chess is and are just flipping all the tables with games on them.
The judge needs to hold Rubio in contempt of court for defying his ruling. And do the same for anyone else culpable.
If this happens on my box I’ll be taking them to small claims court and let you all know how it goes…
Contempt of court. Immediate arrest. I don’t care if he’s pardoned. Keep doing it.
Maybe the constitution of the United States of America says something about this? Maybe like the first thing in the bill of rights? Nah I must be mistaken.
LLMs: using statistics to generate reasonable-sounding wrong answers from bad data.
People have disassociated the idea of buying stock as support for a company–they just treat it like a game. Not to mention all the amoral index fund managers who control most people’s investments.