Sure but I also remember trumps first term where thousands of specifically migrant women in US custody were unaccounted for for months. Im not in the habbit of giving people with track records of human trafficking benefits of doubt.
Sure but I also remember trumps first term where thousands of specifically migrant women in US custody were unaccounted for for months. Im not in the habbit of giving people with track records of human trafficking benefits of doubt.
I do not find it a coincidence that its been happening specifically to young women. Yet to see 6’2 Canadian male hockey player get grabbed.
You dont go alone and you don’t go empty handed. There’s centuries of resistance tactics and skills that are applicable if you’re looking for them.
He apparently gets really pressed from the online hate he recieves, so we can help push him further.
You have a right to resist unlawful kidnappings of yourself or another under self defence laws. Yes I know we’re not enforcing the laws as written right now, but it still matters. Self defense action is warranted and just. Group defence has prorected Americans from ICE before, for example barricading agents out of a suspects house. Be prepared, and when the moment calls for action, act swiftly.
America has already made the credible threat to invade if an American Official / Soldier are ever tried at The Hague. I wish he would be though.
Imagine if Casey Anthony made a podcast about getting rid of annoying kids. That’s about the same energy of a sex trafficker having a pimping podcast, no idea why it took such a push to end it.