Something’s off? From what? This is what he does. It’s what he’s done for years. Even the timing of a statement a few days ago was on purpose. Designed to make this betrayal even more damaging. To take the legs out of opposition. Not to give the opposition time.
As for interest of the neolibs, winning by a lot of votes isn’t any more valuable than winning by a few. They just need it to pass. If it passes in a way that lets them keep fundraising all the better for them. If it passes in a way that allows them to keep underminding actual opposition to their goals awesome for them.
Oh yes here we go another comment about if they don’t have a complete and total majority that they have no power whatsoever. What fucking bunk. He was elected as a senator by the people of the state of New York. He has a solemn and sacred duty to serve those people. It doesn’t matter if other people didn’t win election it’s still his fucking job. If he can’t fucking do it he should resign as should the rest of the useless parasites in that party who don’t feel they have any responsibilities left to the public.
What a useless party this is and what useless people who are loyal to it.