If you’re planing to ‘invest’ your lunch money and get returns big enough to pay for the lunch too, you don’t have a plan, you have a gambling addiction.
If you’re planing to ‘invest’ your lunch money and get returns big enough to pay for the lunch too, you don’t have a plan, you have a gambling addiction.
But we’ve made every payment on that debt since we started borrowing. If lenders can’t count on those debt payments, they lose some faith in the currency that undergirds the world economy.
This is quite bad, regardless of where you live.
Future borrowing, both public and private, becomes more expensive (higher risk demands higher returns). This is bad if you live in the US.
People involved in international trade start questioning if the USD is really what they want as the reserve currency (the Dollar is the go between for all other currencies, so if you’re in Europe trading with Japan, you exchange euros for dollars for yen, which while a bit cumbersome, is wonderfully predictable) and what they might want to use instead (euros? renminbi? rubles? The chaotic world of direct exchanges of currencies?). This is bad if the country you live in imports goods that you need or exports goods that other people need.
Then, to borrow a phrase popularized by one of the names they’re probably highlighting with a Sharpie, lock them up.
If missing $400 million would have them shut down, what’s that $14 billion endowment for? Show? It accrued 11.5% last year. That’s three times what Trump was threatening to not give them
I’m pretty sure everybody on these websites knows they’re more similar to enlisted soldiers than to Vladimir Putin.
It’s about the same number of incidents (plane crashes, death agnostic), it’s just that a week into the new admin, one of them had the most deaths since the autopilot that aims for the ground crashed those planes in 2019.
But since the other side is willing to just outright lie, it’s not exactly a high crime not to highlight that technically it’s the same number of crashes.
The optics the recently indicted (and later hastily pardoned) mayor being one of the guys perp walking the sympathetic suspect probably didn’t help them either.
Too late. I already jumped ship because of Copilot’s “Recall”, and I’m not interested in going through a round of partitioning the hard drive and installing a new OS so soon.
Oh, that’s a good one.
The way all these companies have ditched gay rights really clarifies how much of an empty gesture the month of rainbow banners was (and how much of an empty gesture this probably is). But I think I liked it better when they did an empty gesture in support of gay rights rather than against them
He won the election and got exactly what he wanted and he’s still mad as hell about it.
If he didn’t make it everyone else’s problem too, I’d feel sorry for him.
As much Saudi money as he burned though, I’m expecting him to leave an embassy in a half dozen suitcases.
‘After [current guy], our turn’, while a nice sentiment to avoid giving up entirely, does not have enough historical evidence to support it as a strategy.