Very brave fighting for a dictator and a nation of genocide so trump can build.a Riviera.
Very brave.
Hi guy
Very brave fighting for a dictator and a nation of genocide so trump can build.a Riviera.
Very brave.
If only there was an agency that could predict this kind of catastrophic weather, and another to aid in recovery, and another to regulate against unfettered destructive capitalism. If only.
The hands of many are covered in blood.
But they will never be blamed. The AM radio/Russian/conservative hate machine propaganda is too strong.
Fair enough. It was my interpretation. Maybe the phrasing.
Anyway. It seems we are on the same page.
Apologies for getting it wrong.
I am not a boomer, fyi.
You do the ‘collective’ thing while collectively assuming and willingly punishing any old person.
You know there are old people who didn’t vote r. There are old people who fought and fight for peoples rights. The entire civil rights battles won were by those you wish harm on. All the gay rights were fought by those you wish would lie in their own bed. There are old people who welcome differences, and minded their own business. And there are Old people who HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG.
Continue with your boomer hate while ignoring real shit.
Your argument is hypocritical and too full of y’alls.
It is the reps who have ignored their constituency while being bought for a few grand to do the bidding of corpos and oligarchs, and certain ultra national lobbying groups you should have real issue with.
If you’re Canadian and visit the US you should stay there.
You realize that many boomers did not vote vor him. And his actions will reverberate throughout the world.
Your gleeful wishing of death and despair to people who have worked their entire life is somewhat gross.
Look in the mirror and realize it was youth who gave the man a pass. Especially young males.
Come to Canada.
Find out.
Revelation 6:1-2, “Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, ‘Come.’ I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.”
Notice that the rider sat on a white horse, which is significant since white is a symbol of peace, thus the symbolism is that Antichrist will come as a peacemaker.'s-peace-treaty-with-israel-begins-daniel's-seventieth-week?sso=false