The ADHD aspect of computer related stuff is something I wish more people understood, Linux and beyond. I have about 45 seconds before I get distracted, that’s if I’m lucky and my phone doesn’t go off or a neighbors dog starts barking or I hear strong wind and decide to check the weather or I suddenly remember I need to mop the floor of my bathroom and a near infinite set of other possibilities. If I need to spend 15 minutes reading man pages about what arguments actually do or searching online for it and getting a short list of links dating anywhere from 2 to 20 years ago or a forum post with a dozen pages of comments then I… I… shit. What was I doing?
I’ve never heard this term before. My searches online aren’t bringing up anything useful, it’s all stuff about literal pets. I can’t seem to wrap my mind around what it could mean or the right thing to search to find the answer. Could someone explain please?