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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023

  • I don’t think that swear words and swearing are part of some regional culture, I think they’re part of culture at a universal level. Or even multiversal if you’re into that…

    And they are normalized, have been from the start. It’s the attempt at excluding them that’s been struggling on and off.

    Hell, I still remember old ladies frightening children with priests cutting off their tongues for swearing, which is all kinds of fucked up in itself. But that was “normal” for them at the time.

    I’d think that kind of behaviour would mess up communication styles more than someone using a vulgarity as an exclamation point.

  • You also need a third, unbiased source, then cross-reference the information gathered from all sides and build a reasonable conclusion.

    But if that’s too much work, then join the side that benefits you. After all…

    "The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.

    ~ Genghis Khan"

    ~ random internet person

    Or the abridged version:

    “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.”

    ~ Conan the Barbarian, as copy-pasted from random website

  • Well shit! So no fucking around anymore? What about Australians? Are they still allowed to go “cunt” this and “cunt” that? I think it’s part of their cultural identity and forcing them to stop might harm them on an emotional level.

    And what about the Polish? Or was it Poles? I forget. Anyway, “kurwa bobr” is an international sensation. We cannot censor it without it being called abuse and attracting a different kind of "kurwa"s posts.

    Insults that are part of one’s cultural identity should be protected. And as such, I propose that the mod team should sacrifice a small amount of time in their day to learn culturally appropriate swear words from languages across the globe and share them with the rest of the users so that we may all know the socially acceptable way of insulting one another in a polite and friendly fashion.

    A pleasant non-fucking day to you all. (They say abstinence makes the heart grow fond)