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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

  • It doesn’t feel like that to me. “Instinctively knows” = “Many people are saying…”

    … because they feel like these things are true. These feelings are not based in fact, in reality. They are at best mislead, at worst outright lying.

    Inaction has the same result as explicit permission.

    The entire point of his statement is that there is judicial action being taken already and he thinks it’s a problem. Likewise, Trump is trying to stop lawyers from participating in legal action against his regime too. Certainly, some of the people that SHOULD be acting against him are not, and that is a problem. But the fact Jim is making these statements that we are talking about is antithetical to the notion that nobody is taking action and, thus, giving him permission.

  • “The country instinctively knows there’s been this aggressive push against the president for policies he campaigned on that he was elected to implement,” Jordan, an Ohio Republican, told reporters Monday. “That’s a problem.”

    “Instinctively knows”… you mean “feels like”, Jim. And what was it again that the facts don’t care about?

    And the judiciary is not meant to be a political branch, and it’s certainly not required to answer to whomever happens to win the Presidency. It is meant to interpret the law as it’s written. No amount of campaigning, voting, or tweeting gives Trump powers he doesn’t possess nor the ability to create and enforce laws he dreams up and declares by executive dictum. That is a fascist dictatorship. And you would be losing your absolute shit of Biden had pulled shit like this, and rightfully so.

    There is no mandate of the people giving Trump extra powers. Even of the subset of Americans that actually bothered to vote he didn’t win the majority. He barely won the popular vote at all. He barely won, he’s now net negative in approval, he has likely pissed off enough people in just 2 months that he would likely lose were the election held again now, and he and his incompetent staff are turning more against him every day. I know you don’t have an ounce of integrity in your body, Jim, but even you have to realize you’re riding a sinking ship that is setting fire to everything around it as it dies. But then you do love hanging out with and protecting sexual predators don’t you? You’re a fucking disgrace and a hateful piece of shit, as always Jordan. Eat shit and die already.

  • Fucking hell, can we get rid of this fascist mother fucker yet, please? How in the fuck did we create a system that was ostensibly meant to directly counter tyranny and then just yield to and roll over when a tyrant manages to win the presidency with an obedient congress?

    How are we even on the back foot here? How is it harder to prevent or undo fascist policies than to pass them in the first place, EVEN WHEN THEY ARE OBJECTIVELY ILLEGAL?! How did we create such a toothless system of checks and balances as to render them non-existent when someone just decides to ignore them?

    This country has apparently been operating on the honor system for 250 years. We have had the audacity to hold ourselves up as the ideal and expect others to model themselves after us. And then at the first attempt of a coup and installation of dictatorship, we are just impotently watching it happen. This is insane.