This route walks up the Nile and crosses the desert um Sudan. It then walks down remote roads in the DRC. It’s just so over the top insane.
This route walks up the Nile and crosses the desert um Sudan. It then walks down remote roads in the DRC. It’s just so over the top insane.
It’s indeed confusing. The Wikipedia title says one thing, but the sidebar says another?
Please also remember to shat with friends and family after you share! We’re behind schedule on total signatures 😭
Ah interesting. Maybe the families made up.
And it’s animation, not architecture and engineering.
In the very loose meaning of “can walk”. This road crosses several dangerous areas for multiple reasons, from war and jungles, to deserts and tundra, not to mention all the visas you’d need.
Aldi Süd and Nord are not really the same chain
Not comparable. There isn’t really a real alternative to Linux. But there are alternatives for repositories and hosting.
The problem is often academic capture. Universities teach Autodesk software and most companies expect you to use Autodesk software.
Not just that but if the alternative brand isn’t in stock, people will buy coca cola or Pepsi. But coke and Pepsi are not available, many people will not buy alternative brands. So supermarkets will always give priority to stocking the most popular brands.
How can you outlaw something a company in another conhtinent is doing? And specially when they are becoming better as disguising themselves as normal traffic? What will happen is that politicians will see this as another reason to push for everyone having their ID associated with their Internet traffic.
Guess some lighting things on fire is overdue.
“Why do we still need pride parades?” this is why
I’ve stopped buying my rocket launching services from SpaceX long ago!
Whatever we call them, it’s always some euphemism hiding the fact tha it’s the pooping room.
Donuts replaced by tap water?